😜 Chapter 12: Friends😜

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Josephine's POV

I feel so tired today. I just want to go back to sleep but I can't. I check the time and it's 06:30 since I can't go to sleep I get up and do my morning routine. I eat breakfast and watch WAGS Miami on E! I go downstairs to give my pets food. I go to the store to buy some yogurt then I come back home. I called my aunty and asked her if she could watch the pets while I take the dogs for a walk in the park.

Damian's POV

Last night was pretty dope I got drafted to raw and went to a party. I woke up took a shower, got dressed and ate breakfast. I got hella congratulations on my Instagram and twitter. Wow. I just responded with saying thank you. I'm so happy right now. I got up and walked to the park.

No one's POV

Josephine walked the dogs around the park they uh doodooed/pooped in the park.

Josephine: Dang, how long have y'all been holding that in.

They just panted. Josephine sat on the bench. While she was sitting Max ran away.

Meanwhile Damian walked to the park. He jogged around a little bit. Then he came to a holt after seeing a dog running towards him. The dog jumped on top of him and started licking his face.

Damian: Whoa chill boy.

Max got of him and stared him down like he's seen him before. Damian got up.

Damian: Where's your owner buddy?

Max led the way and Damian followed.

Josephine started to panic Max is missing. Josephine and Coco got up to go look for Max.

Josephine: Max!Max, where are you boy?

Then Josephine heard barking.

Josephine: Oh my gosh Max is that you? Max!

The barking started getting closer. Until she saw him and she was so happy.

Josephine: Max don't runaway like that. I got so frightened.

Damian: So it's your dog?

Josephine looked up and saw Damian.
How embarrassing is that?

Josephine: Yes. Thanks for bringing him back.

Damian: No problem your dog knew where he was going anyways I just followed him to make sure he got here safely.

Josephine: Aww, that's so sweet of you.

Damian just laughed then they both walked around the park. After their walk they sat on the bench.

Josephine looked up at the sky.

Josephine: Wow the sky is so beautiful.

Luis looked up as well.

Damian: Yeah it is.

Josephine: Thanks again for bringing my dog.

Damian: It's my pleasure.

Josephine:I feel like I owe you.

Damian: Not really I was just being nice.

Josephine: Still, is there anything I can do?

Damian laughed.

Damian: You won't let this go will you?

Josephine: Nope.

Damian laughs.

Josephine: I'm being serious.

Damian: Okay okay how about being my friend?

Josephine: I'd like that.

Damian: Cool it's time for me to go I'll see you around later.

Josephine:Okay can you wait for me?

Damian: Yeah sure.

Josephine called the dogs and her and Damian walked home. He walked her to her front door then he went home.



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