🙍Chapter 8: I'm sorry🙍

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Joyce's POV

I feel so bad that I couldn't come to NXT I couldn't sleep all night. Maybe if I see him again I can explain everything.

After getting out of my thoughts and coming back to earth. I take a shower and wear my demin jumpsuit, a black tank top and my black high tops.

Since there's no work today I decide to text Amanda so we could go shopping.


Me:Sup Amanda.

Amanda:Hey Jojo. How ya doing?

Me: Great and you?

Amanda: Awesome.

Me:So do you wanna go to the mall with me?

Amanda: Yeah. Hopefully we'll see Damian there.

Me: You're impossible.

Amanda:I know see you in 2 hours.

Me: What?! Two hours?! Girl, nah uh.

Amanda: I'm a girl I have to wear makeup,do my hair and look pretty.

Me:Not all girls wear makeup.

Amanda: Girlie girls do. You're in between. You're a tomboy and a girlie girl.

Me: What will I do during the next 2 hours?

Amanda:I don't know. Figure it out.

Me: Fine. Bye.

Amanda: Byyyeee.

End of conversation

I get my car and drive to Amanda's house.

Amanda's POV

After me and Joyce's conversation I take a bath.

Then I put on foundation, eyeliner,eyeshadow, blush, mascara, lip liner, lipstick and nail polish.

I wear my white tank top, black ripped jeans and silver heels.

I put my hair in a dutch braid, grab my handbag and see my Bff's car outside. I go out and lock my door.

Me: Hey Jojo. How ya doing?

Joyce: Hi girlie. I'm good. You look cute.

I enter the car and close the door.

Me: Shall we go?


No one's POV

Amanda and Joyce reach the mall. Joyce goes to Forever 21 and Amanda goes to Rodeo. They both meet in Mcdonald's. They get they're orders and leave the mall.

They drive around the city then they go to Amanda's house.

Amanda: I'm kinda disappointed that Damian wasn't at the mall.

Joyce:Not this again.

Amanda: Sorry but I'm just being honest.

Joyce: Can we please change the subject?

Amanda:Ok. Why don't you ever want to talk about Damian?

Joyce: Amanda!

Amanda:Why?! You've known him for 3 months already.

Joyce: Well I just don't like to talk about.

Amanda: You like him?


Amanda:OMG, you totally like him!



Joyce: Fine, you're right I, I like Luis Martinez.

Amanda:Yes I knew it, I knew it along, you fool just wouldn't listen, I was right and you were wrong.

Joyce: I'm not a fool. I just think it's stupid to like a guy in three months.

Amanda: You've crushed on him since he was on ROH and that's the very start of his wrestling career.

Joyce: Not personally.

Amanda: Still. So can you come for a sleepover today?

Joyce:Are we back in high school?

Amanda: Please. I don't wanna be alone.

Joyce: Fine.

Damian's POV

I'm at home chilling then get a phone call from Keith Lee.

📞Calling 📞

Keith: Luis ,hi how are ya?

Me: I'm cool and you?

Keith:Good, good. So me and Matthew are going to watch a live UFC tournament and we were wondering if you would like to come?

Me: Yeah I'd love to.

Keith:Cool, see you in half an hour.

Me: Sure.

📞End of phone call 📞

I take a bath then I get dressed I wear my black shirt, leather pants and my black sneakers. I put my hair in a bun, then I hear a car beeping.

I go outside and lock my door then I hear a voice.

Matt: What's up bro?

Then I turn around and see Matt.

Me:Matt, hey. Where's Keith?

Matt:In the car he's driving, I called shotgun so you sit in the back.

Me:I what?

Matt: You sit in the back.

Me: Are you sure I'll fit in the back?

Matt: Yeah.

So we both enter the car and go to the UFC tournament.

Matt: That fight was sick.

Me:Hell yeah it was.

Keith:Yea it was physical. Let's order pizza.

Me: Good idea.

It ends at 22:00 and starts at 20:00.

When it's over we go and order pizza then Keith drives us home.

Me:Bye Keith.


After I get out of his car I go straight to bed.


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