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Needless to say, Markus loathed our decision to cook. He glared at us all and said we'd betrayed him, and when he found out that the only reason we weren't getting a take-away was because I didn't want to leave the house, all of that anger was directed at me.

"You heartless, cruel, unforgivable--"

"--I get it!" I exclaimed, throwing up my hands in surrender. "How dare I make you do two productive things today."

"You make me sick," He glowered, turning around dramatically to face the TV and ignore me - not exactly a punishment, more of a blessing. After a pause, he glanced back to gauge my reaction, and upon noticing that I was staring at him incredulously, he made a 'hmmph' sound and turned around again.

Chloe laughed at his actions. "Wait til you find out about tomorrow."

That got his attention. "What's happening tomorrow?" He asked, all thoughts of what a terrible person I was dissipating.

"These two are going on a date," Adelyn blurted out excitedly before I could change the subject.

Markus gasped, turning to face us. "I'm going," He stated firmly.

"No, you're not," Chloe and I countered in unison.

"If you're going to that place with the desserts again then I'm tagging along and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

I covered my face with my hands and sighed. "You're like a flea."

"Do werewolves get fleas?" Chloe asked suddenly, confusion lining her voice.

I moved my hands and laughed upon seeing the look of pure offense in Markus' eyes.

"Of course not! We're very hygienic, I'll have you know," He said firmly.

"Yeah, they keep up to date with all their jabs at the vets," I continued, trying and failing to hide a smile when he glared at me.

"These dog jokes got old decades ago," He muttered reproachfully. "I get a free pass to use bat jokes on you, now."

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me, Dracula."

"Oh, that is it--!" I began, about to stand up when Chloe placed a hand on my chest to stop me. She hadn't tried to hide her smile, and Adelyn was laughing hysterically, too.

When we finally managed to convince Markus to help us cook, it was dark outside, and I could make out the faint sound of rain hitting the windows.

Markus and I were in charge of cooking everything and ensuring it would all be done at the same time, whilst the girls chopped vegetables. Markus had also taken on the role of radio host, making commentary in between different songs he played on Chloe's speaker and singing along whenever he knew the words (using a wooden spoon as a microphone).

"Oh no," Chloe muttered reproachfully, making me glance across at her to see that her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. I couldn't help but smile at the contempt in her eyes. "I hate cutting onions - why have I got the worst job?"

"There's no need to get upset about it," I commented lightly.

She narrowed her eyes playfully at me. "Lyn, can we swap please?" She asked the witch hopefully, putting on her most pleading expression.

Adelyn, who had been absentmindedly singing, glanced up in mild surprise upon hearing her name. Realisation flickered in her eyes and she sighed dramatically. "You owe me one," She said as they swapped places. After a short silence, Lyn looked up at me with a frown. "Wait, we'll have to forego the garlic, won't we?"

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