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"Just take me out. Put me out of my misery," Markus wailed, shoving his phone into my hands. "Look how much coursework they've given me! Are they trying to make me drop out? Cause I'm on thin ice as it is - Alaska is looking more tempting every day."

I read through the email one of his lecturers had sent over. "Better get started, then," I told him, making him glare at me.

"You're so helpful," He mumbled reproachfully, taking the phone back and collapsing onto the sofa beside me.

"Any time."

A couple of weeks had passed since we returned from our travels. University life had welcomed us back with open arms and a dagger to our backs.

We had assessments, exams and coursework to complete starting tomorrow, and since our return it was as though we'd done nothing but study.

"Are these credits even worth it? Can't you just compel us all diplomas?" Markus continued.

Chloe and Adelyn glanced over at us from the dining table, which had become a mini workspace littered with notes and practice papers. Their hopeful expressions were almost enough to make me change my mind.


"I am not going to compel our way through university," I told them all firmly. "Stop using me for my compulsion, you fiends."

Adelyn snorted a laugh. "Oh God, we must've really upset him, he's using insults from the Middle Ages."

"I say we overpower him," Markus mused aloud. "Combine all our strength and bend him to our will."

"I'll get the rope," Chloe said, trying hard not to smile.

"Oooh, can we use knives?" Lyn asked. I couldn't be sure whether the excitement in her voice was real or fake.

"Absolutely," Markus agreed at once.

At that exact moment, Daniel called me. I picked up and, without a greeting, said, "I'm scared."

"Is there a mutiny?" He asked lightly.


"Good luck with that," He laughed. "Dad requests your presence."

"I'll be there in five."

"Can I come with you? If I do one more minute of work I will go insane," Chloe said, glancing at me pleadingly, all thoughts of kidnapping me gone.

"I'll be there in fifteen," I amended before ending the call and standing up.

"Oh, that's fine, just abandon us," Adelyn sighed dramatically.

"Can you bring us food on your way back?" Markus asked hopefully.

"Absolutely not. Bye!" I rushed out, pulling a laughing Chloe out of the house.

We got in the car and glanced back at the house to see Markus in the window, a hand on the glass as he stared out at us, pretending to sob.

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