Thirty Four

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"Damn it," I whispered to myself as the call cut off. Dread settled over my mind like a fog, panic quick to follow in its wake. I stood up and called my father.

He answered immediately. "What's wrong?"

"Lyn's gone. Can you and Daniel get to the pack house right now? We need to find her before these hunters hurt her," I forced out, my mind stuck replaying what Markus and Noah had found. Hunter's blood. She'd fought. Fuck.

"We're on our way," He assured me. "Where are you?"

"I'll meet you there--"

Daniel must've taken the phone. "Head straight to that old warehouse by the park, Caleb. That's where the hunters moved to. If they have Adelyn, they may have taken her there. Be careful. We'll be there once we update the pack."

I ended the call, torn, pulling on my hair in frustration. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Chloe stood up, watching me pace with a look of apprehension. "What do we do?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I met her terrified gaze, my expression mirroring hers. "We're going to get our witch back," I said firmly, pacing again. "I'm not taking you to the house--not now. And if there's hunters at the warehouse, I'm not taking you there, either."

"Caleb," She said, pulling me to a stop. "Lyn needs us. You can't waste time trying to keep everyone safe - I'll go with you."

I knew she was right, and though I hated the idea of bringing her right into the middle of a fight after vowing to do the opposite just moments earlier, there was no other option. There was no guarantee that the hunters wouldn't hurt Lyn, and I couldn't risk wasting any time. I couldn't leave Chloe here, either. If I didn't make it, she'd be stranded.

So, without further ado, I picked her up. "I'll have to get the car later," I noted optimistically. "Eyes, my love."

She closed her eyes, holding onto me tightly, and then we were off. Speeding back towards the city, heading straight for the hunters' hideout.

I'd make them regret even considering messing with us. And if they hurt Lyn, I'd fucking rip them to pieces.

The trees shot past us as I ran, forcing my legs to carry us faster than ever before. I could only hope that we got to the warehouse before the hunters hurt my friend.

It seemed to take an age to get back to the city, but eventually we made it. Distant sounds of an awful fight reached me as I headed for the warehouse Daniel had mentioned, feeling panic clawing at every cell of my body.

"Stay here, please," I told Chloe in an undertone as we stopped outside and I set her on her feet.

Wrenching the metal door open - accidentally ripping it off its hinges - I rushed inside and was immediately caught up in the middle of a fight.

There were a lot of hunters - way more than we'd first thought. They were creative with their weapon choices, too. I took note of my father, Daniel, and surprisingly Amelie all together and forcing the hunters towards the other end of the warehouse.

I realised why immediately.

Within the instant, I was knelt down beside Adelyn. The pricks had tied her to one of the warehouse's support beams and taped her mouth shut - the sight of her tear-stained face was enough for my eyes to bleed red in anger. She was unconscious. A bruise on her temple.

Chloe dropped to her knees beside me, ignoring the warning look I sent her way. "Oh my God, is she okay?" She panicked.

Even despite the chaos, my instincts kicked in and I could hear her faint, racing heartbeat. "She's alive," I assured Chloe, though judging from her fearful expression, that probably wasn't the best way to go about saying that. "I asked you to stay outside."

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