Twenty Five

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"I hate to do this," Caleb sighed deeply, lifting his gaze to meet mine, "But we have exams, tomorrow."

Lyn and I shared a look of pure disdain. In all the drama that had happened over the past couple of hours, I'd almost forgotten about our more mundane responsibilities.

"Honestly, I would rather die," Lyn complained, falling back onto the sofa and pretending to cry. Or maybe she was actually crying-- I wouldn't be surprised. The thought of going home to study after what just happened didn't fill me with much joy. Or any joy at all, come to think of it. Just despair.

Renée laughed, sending me a gleeful smile. "Yeah, no, I'm glad I don't go to university, now."

"I'm exactly three mild inconveniences away from dropping out and taking a gap year in Miami," I told her honestly, which made her laugh even more.

Caleb raised his hand. "Can I come?"

"Of course."

"Three mild inconveniences?" Adelyn echoed, sitting up. "If I get one more email from my tutor about study tips it is game over."

Georgia studied the arrow heads and splinters, her expression hardening. "Thank you," She said suddenly, glancing up at me and Lyn with gratitude. "I don't know how Markus got so lucky to have you both as friends but I am forever grateful for the two of you. And, if he hadn't ran off I'm sure he'd say the same. You've saved him a night of pain."

I stared back at her, a little shocked and moved by her words. How could such a good woman have a mate like Damien? She deserved so much better.

Thankfully, Adelyn spoke for the both of us. "No problem. It's good practice, anyhow."

Richard smiled at that. "You could be either a paramedic or a vet, now," He told me, making the werewolves all groan in frustration as Caleb and Daniel high fived.

"Don't tell me they've got to you, too," Lewis complained as Lyn, the vampires and I all laughed at their expense.

Rosalee frowned lightly once everyone fell quiet. "Where did Markus go, anyway?"

That was when Callum ran into the room, breathing heavily, in what was probably the most unkempt state I'd ever seen him. Stoic, collected beta-wolf Callum was speechless, almost gasping for breath.

We all stared at him in shocked silence.

And then, as if his actions couldn't get more out-of-character if he tried, he grinned. "God, I've never ran so fast in my life," He laughed to himself.

"Uh--what's up?" Rosalee asked, frowning at him.

"Kaden wants everyone out in the clearing," was all he said before turning and walking back out of the house.

Caleb and I shared a look of pure confusion as everyone got up and followed Callum outside.

"Damien came back," Callum said, making everyone groan in exasperation.

"Again?!" Renée exclaimed. "He's persistent, I'll give him that."

"Like a flee," I agreed, laughing when Renée sent me a 'please end my suffering' glance. I knew the expression well, given that I'd often shared that same look with Caleb, Markus and Lyn when my placements were a nightmare.

"We're not training, are we?" Will asked a little hesitantly, eyes fixed on Callum. At his words, Lewis, Mariah and Renée sent him warning looks.

"Don't give him any ideas," Lewis complained.

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