Twenty Nine

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Caleb was noticeably calmer once Chloe returned. It was like she knew exactly what to say and do to calm him down, and even as he explained the situation to her and Adelyn, with us all sat on the sofas, the simple action of holding his hand seemed to tether him and keep him composed.

It was beyond endearing.

Adelyn, however, looked apprehensive. "Witch hunters?" She repeated, eyes wide with fear. "But--I'm mortal. A butter knife would finish me off."

"Or a step," Chloe commented.

"That was one time," Adelyn retorted.

"They don't kill you. Not at first," Caleb said, eyes dark and fixed on the floor. "They have methods to...remove your magic. They leave you powerless, and then they kill you."

"Oh," The witch said quietly, the pain in her voice and the turmoil in her expression forcing me to look away. It was heartbreaking to see. I would do all I could to help them ensure that never happened.

"They're not getting near either of you," Caleb assured her and Chloe. "You have my word."

"And that's meant to make us feel better?" Adelyn retorted. "We might be fine but literally everyone else is at risk because hunters can't give us a fucking break."

"How many hunters are in the city?" I asked, frowning lightly as I considered calling every pack I was on good terms with to help us out if needed.

"Only a few. Unless they call in reinforcements like the others did last year," Caleb told me.

"So they're vastly outnumbered," I continued. "For now."

"For now," He agreed. "And we don't know where they've moved to-- that's what Daniel and my dad are trying to figure out."

"Plus they have a psycho rogue on speed-dial," Markus added. "Who knows exactly where the pack house is. We're like sitting ducks."

"I can't believe he'd help hunters," Chloe muttered darkly, reading the notebook. "Knowing that there was every chance they could've found your pack and attacked everyone."

"That's his plan, now."

"He was probably mad about the rogue thing," Caleb added. "As if Kaden would cast him out without a good reason."

"Like I said - asshole," Adelyn commented dryly. "Has the rogue thing rotted his brain, or something?"

Markus hummed in agreement, but there was a brief flicker of pain in his eyes. He was torn - his own father had brought everyone so much pain and grief for so long, but there was always going to be that fine line of loyalty. Though, by the look in his eyes, the line was more of a frayed thread, ready to snap at any moment. I took his hand in mine and squeezed, trying to bring him some semblance of comfort. He glanced at me and smiled shyly. I'd known him little more than a day, and yet my own happiness was tied with his. I wouldn't rest until he was alright. I'd fight his demons for the rest of my life to keep that smile on his face.

"We also have another complication," Adelyn added after a brief silence, drawing our attention back to the others.

"I don't like the sound of that," Chloe commented, eyeing her friend hesitantly.

The witch sighed. "My coven wants me to visit them soon."

Caleb sent her a bleak look before resting his head against Chloe shoulder. "Probably checking I haven't mauled you to death," He mumbled. "Will you go?"

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