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The day had finally arrived.

It was the first day of our winter break, and everyone had spent the previous evening finishing work. After all, we were about to be very busy, and university deadlines could wait for an eternity.

The house was a prison of pure chaos. Chloe was upstairs packing up the last of her things, Lyn had unpacked downstairs to triple check if she had everything, and Caleb in true Caleb fashion had finished hours ago and was busying himself with our tickets and reservations. I...well, I think it's pretty obvious how prepared I was.

"You see, I would pack," I began, subtly backing up towards the front door, hands raised in a placating manner. "But I have so much I need to do."

I had one thing I needed to do.

Caleb stared back at me blankly, debating whether or not to murder me violently. I smiled innocently, making him sigh. "Go on. I'll pack for you."

"Yes! Thanks, you're a lifesaver," I cheered.

"Hey--" Lyn began.

"Don't even think about it," Caleb retorted. "I'm not helping all of you."

I decided to get out while I still could, and before Chloe could rope me into doing anything responsible like checking passports and plane tickets. I shuddered at the thought and left, running through the forest for the pack house.

Renée's wolf ran up beside me, letting out a small whine in greeting and sending me a pleading look.

"I'm sorry, Ren," I apologised. "Next time, though, yeah?"

She huffed begrudgingly. The moment she'd found out about me and the others travelling, she'd been trying to convince Kaden to let her go, too.

I backed her up, of course, and vowed to keep her with the group, but the rest of the pack had been unanimous in refusing. She had only been with us for a couple of years, and a werewolf for little longer than that. No one wanted to risk her being far away from the pack. She was still a pup, in our eyes.

I decided to brighten up her sullen mood. "But, hey, I've almost gotten through to them about you going to university." It was true, as long as she followed in my steps and didn't venture out to a university far away. She could even stay at the pack house and commute, if she wanted. Or maybe I could convince Reece and Ash to go, and they could be squad two-point-oh.

We reached the pack house soon after, and my mum was already waiting for us outside.

"You're all packed?" She asked as Renée disappeared briefly to shift back.

"Uh, about that--" I began, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

My mum corrected herself. "Is Caleb packed?"

"Almost," I smiled in triumph. I couldn't say anything else, because a moment later, I was enveloped in a tight hug.

"Look after each other, okay? I don't want a call at three in the morning saying you're lost in Brooklyn, or something," She fussed, smoothing out my hair as though I was going to a wedding and not an airport. "And call me at the airport, and when you land, and every day you're gone."

It was like the first day of university all over again. "I will, I promise," I told her, fighting the primal urge to escape the hug.

She held onto me for a moment longer before pulling away, wiping her eyes.

Renée wandered back to us, looking slightly aggrieved. "I could fit in a suitcase," She suggested. "I could shift and be your emotional support dog, or something--"

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