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I closed my eyes, relishing in the heat as the sun beat down on me

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I closed my eyes, relishing in the heat as the sun beat down on me. In the near distance, I could hear familiar screams and yells, as well as the therapeutic sound of waves lapping against the sand.

Adelyn sighed from behind me as she expertly plaited my hair. "Markus is chasing them with a bit of seaweed," She informed me.

I laughed at that, opening my eyes, using my hand as a shield against the sun, and looking out towards the ocean to see Caleb and Daniel splashing through the water with Markus hot on their heels.

"And they call us childish," She commented lightly. "All done. Swap?"

She moved to sit down in front of me and I plaited her hair back as well as I could. My gaze kept flickering to the boys in the water, and I happened to glance across just as Markus threw the seaweed and it hit Daniel square in the back.

Lyn and I winced, laughing when Daniel turned back to face him murderously. Markus actually screamed for his life and took off running.

"The poor boy, he hasn't got a chance," Lyn sighed, shaking her head sadly.

I finished plaiting her hair and we watched them for a while.

Daniel managed to catch up with Markus and tackled him into the water. They must've formed an alliance, because then they started for Caleb, who yelled something like 'oh shit!' before diving for freedom.

Adelyn and I used the rare quiet to sunbathe for a while. Honestly, I was listening intently in case the boys decided to sneak up on us. Thankfully, though, I could still hear them in the ocean, having the time of their lives.

Gradually, the heat went from comfortable to oppressive, and I sat up, shielding my face from the sun once again.

"Are they still fighting?" Lyn asked, squinting up at the blue, cloudless sky before sitting up.

"Yeah. Come on, we can't let them have all the fun," I said, standing up and holding out a hand to pull her up, too. Adelyn and I raced to the others, the warm sand heavenly beneath our feet.

When they noticed us, the boys cheered and waded out of the water to greet us.

The second he was close enough, Caleb, who must've been tackled into the ocean just like Markus had if his soaking hair was anything to go by, swept me up into his arms and spun around.

I squealed as he soaked me. "You're freezing!" I cried out, struggling against his grip. That was when I realised that he was heading out into the deeper water. "Oh, no, don't you dare!"

He went to throw me in, laughing when I screamed and clung onto him.

Probably sensing that I'd murder him if he threw me, he carefully set me down. The water was up to my waist, and refreshingly cold. Not freezing like I thought, no doubt because of the sun.

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