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I returned to the pack house in higher spirits than when I'd left, feeling like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders. Though the weight of the rogue wolf situation hung over my mind like a dark cloud, at least I had one less thing to worry about. My father wasn't mad at me for wanting to travel, and he never had been.

Despite the fact that it had been almost two hours since I'd left, the others were still outside training. They looked like they would rather be anywhere else, though.

And, surprisingly, Tyler had convinced Chloe and Lyn to join in. They were practicing defensive positions, and by the look of it, they were doing well.

Markus glanced up at me as I neared, skirting around his brother and racing for me. "You traitor! Abandoning us when we need you most!" He cried out. The drama in this werewolf was unmatched.

"Caleb! You can help Markus with his blocking and counter-strikes," Tyler called out to me.

I begrudgingly agreed and we settled into a routine. I would punch, he'd block, and every so often he would counter with an attack of his own to see what I'd make of it. As usual, I caught on instantaneously.

Kaden still hadn't returned from scouting the territory, so Sierra was paired with Rosalee, and Callum with Tyler. Ash and Renée were both shifted and fighting, with Reece, Lewis and Georgia watching in their wolf forms. Will and Mariah seemed to be too engrossed with discussing the rogue to do much fighting.

Tyler noticed quickly. "Guys, the more effort you put in now, the sooner we can break," He reminded them, blocking Callum's advances in a swift movement even despite his split concentration.

Markus' eyes filled with excitement at the thought as he glanced at Tyler. I used his distraction to send him to the floor.

"Keep your eyes on your opponent," I chastised.

He glared up at me, taking the hand I offered and pulling himself up. "You're like a mini Tyler," He muttered.

We parried for a while. The sun was hidden behind dark clouds that cast the entire clearing in shadow, and a cool breeze picked up. "Daniel's tagging along, by the way," I told Markus, Chloe and Lyn, aiming a counter strike at the werewolf who narrowly avoided it. "He suggested Venice."

"Add it to the list," Chloe said, sounding pleased with the idea. She and Adelyn had stopped fighting and instead sat on the porch steps of the pack house, watching everyone else train. Since Markus and I were closest to them, they heard me easily. However, our placement meant it was even more difficult to stop Markus from sneaking into the house the moment Tyler's back was turned.

"You guys going somewhere?" Callum asked, making us all glance over to see him watching us in slight confusion. Tyler sighed at the intrusion and paused, crossing his arms over his chest and giving us all a very stern 'I'm not happy with you right now' look.

I glanced at Markus and stayed quiet, retreating into a defensive position.

"Uh...well, you see, we've decided to travel...for the winter break." He advanced on me, speaking with an air of mock confidence that quickly crumbled when Georgia's wolf shot him a warning look.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Especially with this rogue business," Tyler commented, frowning lightly. His gaze shifted to Will and Mariah, and a low rumble built in his throat. A mock warning, if the glint in his eyes was anything to go by. "Get to work, you two, I won't ask again."

"He won't be alone," Rosalee told them, sending a bright smile our way. "Sounds like fun. And Damien is here anyway."

Callum glanced at his mate, his resolve fading. "You'll have to get Kaden's approval, Markus," He said simply before nudging Tyler with his shoulder. They continued to parry.

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