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This is the end of Claws Rewritten! I hope you enjoyed the story and thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me <3

The story will continue into the third and (for now) final installment of the series: Pulse Rewritten. The prologue is out now but there will be a delay in chapters. They're not all finished yet and I'd prefer to polish them up until they're perfect before sending them out to you.

I don't want to leave you hanging with no updates from me for months on end, and there just so happens to be a draft that's ready and waiting to be published.

So, while you wait, maybe you'd like to check out my newest story that has received all of my attention for the past year and holds a special place in my heart - Ethereal. Think fated couplings, a whole lot of magic and even a few vampires sprinkled into the mix. Okay, quite a few vamps. The first two chapters are out now! It's been so fun working on this story and I absolutely adore it. I hope you do, too!

Updates for Ethereal will be frequent whilst I work on finishing up Pulse Rewritten for you.

I hope to see you there!

Much love,
An introvert x

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