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I was officially in love with the city

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I was officially in love with the city. It was the perfect mix of old architecture with modern touches. There was a charming aura about the place that made me feel as if the cobbled streets were welcoming me home.

I leant out over the balcony of the townhouse we'd rented for the week, eyes struggling to take everything in as I watched the bustling streets below.

Even as the sun sank beneath the horizon and cast the place in darkness, the city stayed alive. Sleek lampposts dotting the roads kept the darkness at bay and even from up here I could hear a distant band playing from a restaurant round the corner. The sound floated across the rooftops. I closed my eyes, savouring the moment.

We'd just got back from the Orléans Forest, where Markus' wolf had disappeared for two hours before returning covered in mud and leaves, panting. He'd barely had the energy to shift back and pull on the clothes Daniel handed him, and he slept for the entire journey here (I was grateful for the bliss). The moment we got to the apartment he disappeared to take a shower and rest, muttering as he went about wasting energy and never letting his wolf have more than seventy five percent of the reins again. Apparently he'd sprinted the whole time, way too excited about the new scents to conserve his energy.

Caleb and Daniel were out hunting, and Chloe was by my side, silent as she took in our view.

I took a deep breath of the cool night air and let it out in a sigh. "I could stay here forever," I admitted.

"It is beautiful," She agreed. "I can't believe how quickly these few weeks have gone."

"Too quickly."

"Ugh, and we have exams in a couple of weeks, too."

I whined. "Oh, don't remind me." I'd much rather stay here and leave all of the responsibilities and deadlines of university life behind. "Spontaneous gap year?" I suggested, holding out my hand.

Chloe shook my hand, and our business dealing was complete. "Absolutely."

"Absolutely not," Caleb said from above us, his voice so sudden and unexpected that we both yelped in shock. "Sorry."

Glancing up, we saw him and Daniel sat reclined on the edge of the roof, looking as though they'd been there the whole time. Daniel was gazing up at the stars with a small smile playing on his lips, whereas Caleb was having more trouble disguising his amusement.

"How are you so quiet?!" Chloe exclaimed as he dropped down beside us on the balcony, laughing at our fear.

Daniel followed suite, handing me a small brown parcel. "We're skilled shadows, that's why. This is for you."

I frowned lightly, carefully tearing the paper and gasping to find a hardback guide to the city, complete with hand drawn illustrations. "This is amazing! Thank you!"

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