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Fog had descended over the skyline of San Francisco, casting the city in a grey hue where the light of the sunrise was washed out and pale

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Fog had descended over the skyline of San Francisco, casting the city in a grey hue where the light of the sunrise was washed out and pale. A light wind swept through the streets and into the room from the open window.

I let my eyes fall closed as the wind tousled my hair, savouring the rare quiet before the city woke up.

Words couldn't describe how overjoyed I was right now. Travelling again, experiencing the world, and I wasn't alone this time. I was enjoying the scenery with the people I was closest to, and making memories that would last for an eternity.

We had booked connected rooms on the top floor of a hotel right in the city centre, and last night we'd visited the roof terrace to watch the sun set.

After the takeoff, Markus had fared quite well, considering he'd never been on a plane before. He almost broke the armrest off, and I had to make him wear sunglasses when his eyes flickered golden during turbulence, but otherwise he had done fine. And once he got used to it, he stared out the window in awe for hours on end. It was beyond endearing, and Chloe and I had shared many glances that equated to 'aww' over the course of the flight.

Sat on the roof terrace with pillows and blankets around us, we had listened to the sounds of the city. Sirens, car horns, cable cars screeching against their tracks and the constant background noise of hundreds of distant conversations.

Markus took a deep breath. "The air is so different," He marvelled, staring up at the stars.

Chloe yawned. "I still can't hear properly," She complained, rubbing her ears. "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Sleeping in," Lyn suggested. She hadn't slept for the entire flight, since apparently a show she liked was available to watch and she'd seized the opportunity to binge it.

"I'll find something in here," Daniel said, opening up a guidebook he'd bought at the airport.

We returned to the room soon after, determined to settle into a normal routine.

Everyone was still jet lagged and struggling to keep up with the time difference, but I'd already adjusted. As had Daniel. Right now we were the only ones awake.

Whilst I had taken up residence on the windowsill, he was sat on the sofa, reading his guidebook.

"How about Golden Gate Park?" He suggested, making me open my eyes.

"Sounds good to me. There's a cafe somewhere along there that sold great coffees. I hope it's still there," I told him, thinking back to the past. The city had changed drastically since I'd last been here, but despite knowing that change was inevitable, I still hoped that little places like that cafe remained timeless.

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