Cookie Monster

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Ugh! Whatever am I gonna do? I am so freaking bored that I'm even doing chores just to kill time.

I wonder where's my aunt? She and John are going out a lot lately. I dialled her number and waited for her to answer it, but sadly she did not pick up so the Voicemail did it for her.

"hey aunt Rose if you got this message please call me back, Bye!"

I sigh as I laid my phone down in the kitchen sink. I am currently drying the dishes. So you can imagine how bored out of my mind I am.

I opened the fridge and got some eggs, butter, milk and I got some flour from the cupboard. I also grabbed a Hershey's bar from the fridge. Because I Ate all the chocolate chips last night.

I put the eggs in the mixer together with the milk and butter, I put the sugar, and flour together in a bowl. I added the dry ingredients from the wet ingredients.

I got a spatula and mixed all the ingredients together. I chopped a few Hershey's chocolate and added it to the batter to substitute for the chocolate chips.

I was just rolling it and putting it into baking tray when I saw Jerk descending downstairs.

"Aren't you going to go somewhere?" I ask him

"Nope." he said popping the 'p

"no party to attend?"

He shook his head

"No Kickboxing, M.M.A, or anything at all? " I tried to ask him

"None that I know of "

"Ugh! Don't you have any girls to screw or fuck or whatever?"

"I don't screw girls around hun"

And here I was thinking he was one of those awesome wattpad boys who had extra curricular when they're out of school.

"Lame" I said out loud

"what did you call me?" he asks

"Uh lame?" I said unsure

"I am anything but lame darling I can take you places where you've never been before. "

I burst out laughing and he stared at me like I was crazy

"What? You sounded like Justin Bieber when he sang 'boyfriend'!, It's so hilarious"

"The only difference between him is I'm hotter" he tells me "And one more. I'm not gay"

"Hey Justin's not gay!" I defended

"Whatever floats your boat hun." he tells me

I check my cookies and cooled them down at the fridge.

"You are awfully nice to me today"

"Maybe It's because I want to eat those scrumptious cookies"

"And here I thought you were turning into a new leaf"

"Darling why would I change myself? I'm perfect in all my glory" he said quite proudly

"You are such an egoistical jerk. I wonder what attracted those girls who have a crush on you?"

"Maybe because I'm big" he told me

"Big like tall? " I ask him

"No, big down south"

My confused face turned into a scowl when I finally understand what he just said.

"just shut up!"

"Well you asked me so naturally I'll answer."

"Just forget I ever asked you that question" I told him as I check to see if my cookies had cooled yet.

"Are your cookies done now? " he asks "I haven't even had breakfast yet. "

"Just wait a minute" I told him while I went upstairs.

And after 30 minutes I came down all dressed up and see jerk stuffing his mouth with my cookies!

"Hey you!" i shouted at him which made him stop eating.

and instead of apologizing he just told me "What?"

"You-You Jerk you're eating all my cookies!" i yelled at him as i approach him, but before I reach him, he ran away.

"Catch me if you can!" he taunts me as I continually try to catch up with him.

"Your such a monster! I work so hard in making all those cookies! Your such a-a cookie monster!" I said out of frustration.

He looks at me like crazy and he burst out laughing like a maniac

"Cookie monster? really? That's the best you can come up with?" he tells me as I struggle to catch up with him.

"Yes(pants ) you are a (pants )cookie monster!"

after our chase I was exhausted, Why do when i hang out with this jerk we always end up chasing each other?

I was currently taking a bath because after our chase, I was sweaty, and sticky.

I wanted to dress nice today because I'm going to the mall, i wore a black printed tee and a dark skinny jeans. with my navy green converse. i just tied my hair up in a bun.

Before i leave the house I yelled ' I'm going to the mall!"

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