Engagement and Room Arrangement

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"Please tell me this is a dream" i groaned

he smirked widely as he enter our house, and that was not the only thing that surprised me.

The person who's standing behind him is the new teacher who sent me to detention.

"Oh what a surprise to find you here Miss Nights" the teacher told me as he entered. "Can i ask what relation you have with Rose?"

"She's my aunt" i replied shortly

"Oh, I didn't know that she have a sister, is your mother here too?" he asked

"My mother?" i croaked "Uh she's i-in heaven, alongside with my dad" i replied with a broken voice

"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Nights. i didn't know" he apologized

"It's Okay Mr.?"

"Grants, but you can call me John" he said

i nod my head and excused myself and i head back to the kitchen to help my aunt.

"So did you met them honey?" my aunt asks.

"Yes and i must say im thoroughly dissapointed" was what i want to say but decided to just say a simple "Yes"

"Did you like him?" she asked

"Who?" i asked

"John, of course silly." she replied casually

"Err to be honest to you, It wasn't my first time meeting John, He's my new teacher at school" i answered her.

"Oh, so he was the one who gave you detention huh?" aunt Rose asks


"John is a nice guy when you get to meet him, Xiara"

"I know auntie, it's just that i can't make my descision about liking him right now"

"Oh okay, so i guess our engagement have to wait won't it?" Aunt Rose asks me

My eyes widened as realization hits me.

John is here because they are planning to be married.

"Wait?! so you're telling me that you and John are dating?"

"Yes Honey, We've been dating for quite a time now. and i guess John wants to settle down now." she explained

"I'm speechless right now, i don't know what to say or feel about it."

"Oh its okay Xia, I can't force you to like him in just a day, i guess the engagement's off then." Aunt Rose tells me cheerfully but fails miserably when her voice broke at the middle of the sentence

"No! You can't just base your descision on my reaction, if your happy then i'm happy too"

"Oh thank you dear, i am so happy that you are fine with it."

i faked a smile and hugged her.

"Uh aunt Rose?, I think we need to go and accomodate our guest"

"Oh right" aunt Rose replied as she released me from her hug

"Can you please help me place the food in the table Xia?"Aunt Rose asks

"Sure auntie"

I grabbed the Spaggheti and meatball dish and place it in the table.

"I'll help you with that" Mr. I mean John tells me when i was about to place the dish in the table

"Oh thanks"

after i helped aunt Rose and John set the table i excused myself and went upstairs to my room

i was halfway from my shower when someone knocked in my room.

"Wait a minute!" i yelled as i wrap a towel around my body.

i went out the bathroom and procedded to open the door.

"What is it that you ne-" i paused mid sentence when i saw that it wasn't aunt Rose.

"Uh your aunt told me to go fetch you to join our dinner.

"Oh i'm seriously stuffed, and please stop fuckin being so nice to me now that you know that My Aunt and your brother are engage." i snapped and close the door when he put his foot in between the door

"First of all, i've tried to talk to you properly, second I'm not doing this because of my brother, you see it's for my sake, In case you didn't know your aunt and my bro are planning to be live-in partners, and since my mom and dad are off in a cruise at italy, and my bro is kicked off in his apartment your aunt offered her place, so if you do the math-"

"Oh my God, Hell no!" i exclaimed

"Wheter you like it or not, We're staying here hon"

and then he walked off

i slumped down my bed. and stared stupidly at the closed door.

Can this day get worse?

then i heard the Tap in my bathroom is being opened.

Well i guess it can get worse.

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