Let me have this chance

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"I don't get it!, how do I get the unknown variable?" I ask myself for the 20th time.

*knock knock

"Come in" I said in a sing song voice

"Hey Xiara. Can you help me on my English lesson?" Tyler asks

"Yeah sure, wait! Do you happen to understand Math?"

He nods

"So let's have a deal, I'll tutor you to our English subject and you'll tutor me in our math subject " I tell him



"And that's how you get the unknown variable" he tells me as he encircles the final answer

"I don't understand it!" I whine

"God, Xiara, I already showed you the equation for god knows how many times" He says slowly getting upset

"but I really don't understand it, Ugh I think my head is gonna explode" I complained holding my temples.

"I'm going to show you the equation one more time, and if you don't get it- so help me god I will walk out on you" he tells me

I pout "Why you gotta be so cruel to me Tyler"


"So this is the subject and that is the verb, and this one right here is the gerund and this one is infinitive" I explained to him

I slam the book in front of his face when I saw that the jerk was fast asleep in my desk

"What the fuck?!" he yells startled

"I can't believe you! I've been teaching here for god knows how long and all this time you were asleep. Unbelievable!"

" Aw. Sorry kitten, I just fell asleep just this moment"

"Then what is the infinitive here?" I ask him as I show him the example I've given him

"This one?"

"wrong! This is the subject verb!" I yell at him "God this is frustrating"

I rise out the bed and went downstairs to get the leftover Lasagna and heat it up at the microwave

"Hey why aren't you gonna cook fresh food ?" he asks

"well first of all, I cannot cook, second if I'm ever gonna cook I might burn the kitchen down" I told him

"Ugh, I hate leftovers " he grunted in disgust

"Well, deal with it, I can't cook "

"fine, move over I'll cook for both of us" he grumpily told me

Gladly kind sir" I told him in my British accent

"you're unbelievable, your a girl yet you don't know how to cook"

"that's so sexist of you to say!" I scolded him

"is not!, all throughout history, the women always stays at home to cook, clean and take care of their children" he argued with me

"but we're not in the settlement era are we?" I counter back "And women are more innovative now"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk excuses, excuses" he tells me

"No fair. You get to defend yours and when it comes to me you deny it" I pouted

"first lesson, if you're going to prove something you must do it with confidence " he tells me

"So you meant to say, you did not accept my theory because I wasn't confident in saying it?" I ask him

"Yeah, you hesitated" he explains

"well then let me rephrase that for you 'Women are more innovative now'" I raise one of my eyebrows "Better?"

"Much" he tells me "Hey Xiara then explain to me this"

"What?" I ask eager to prove him wrong again

"A farmer was approached by a cow one day, the cow offers the farmer help until it goes it's own separate way, but the farmer refused saying the cow must stay forever with him if it wants to help the him, now do you think the farmer is being irrational or not?"

"I think the farmer is being irrational, the cow was just being kind, but the farmer wants to keep it it's whole life, I think the farmer was being selfish " I told him

"You know you're the same as the farmer, you want everything to last forever, and you want everyone you let in your life to last by your side forever. But sad to say nothing is forever, the only thing that stay the same is change, and nothing else. So many people wants to help you yet you're too selfish to let them in your life, scared that they'll hurt you the moment they say goodbye."

"that's fucking crazy I'm not afraid to be hurt, I always get hurt every single time when everyone leaves me. I'm used to pain, so how can I be selfish when I'm the one who's hurting?"

"Well based on what I see on you, you will choose to hurt other people than to hurt yourself, you will leave other people before they leave you and most of all you choose to barge in people lives and when they come too close to breaking your walls, you leave them"

I was speechless, every word he said was true.

"now do you see my point on how you're being selfish?" he told me

"I'm not selfish! I never deprived someone on having anything they ever wanted!" I defended myself "And if I'm not mistaken all human beings are selfish always thinking of themselves before others!"

He chuckled "You are so pathetic, trying to defend yourself when you know that all things I've said about you is true."

I kept quiet

"Let's have a deal" he tells me while slowly approaching me

"What-What's in there for me?" I ask

"nothing" he tells me nonchalantly

"Then why would I want to participate?" I ask him

"so you will learn what being selfless mean" he tells me as he caged me with his arms between the kitchen counter and him

"What if I don't like?" I ask him as I try to lean backwards to the kitchen to put some distance to us cause he's too close to me that our faces are just apart by an inch.

"Then I'll persuade you to agree to my deal" he tells me seriously

"I'd like to see you try" I tease him

As I push him an inch away because his slowly leaning closer to me

"If you let me have this chance then try I will " he tells me as he closed the space between us

My eyes widen and I literally cannot move when his soft lips land on my lips

And when my body finally listens to me, I push him away and ran towards my studio

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