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Ugh what happened?

I opened my eyes and groaned as I felt my head pounding.

Goddamn it.

I need some advil.

I slowly dragged myself to my bathroom to take an advil to my medicine cabinet. Being careful not to fall down on my face, using anything in the way as a support.

I finally reached the bathroom after forever. I quickly grabbed the advil and swallowed it.

I lie down at my bed again only to be disturbed by a fucking dog.

"Wakey Wakey my dear Xiara" a voice cooed

"Fuck off Grants my head is throbbing" I snapped at him.

"Geez your a little ball of sunshine today aren't you?" He sarcastically told me

"Shut up"

"Here, drink this it'll take the throbbing away" he tells me as he hands me a weird drink. Its a dark reddish color substance.

"What the heck is that?" I asked him irritated

"If you must know, its a mixture of Royal Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Chamomile tea, and green tea"

"Ew. I don't fucking want to drink that"

"Snappy today aren't we princess?, if you don't drink this then you are going to just suffer that terrible headache of yours."

" Fine Gimme!" I tell him as I snatched the glass at his hand and drank that vile liquid.

"Why does it taste like that?" I asked him as I hand back the glass at him

"Because its medicine."

"Ugh. It didn't work." I groaned as I lay my head back down at my pillow.

"It will take some time."

"Fuck" I muttered

"Want I'll make some coffee?" he asks me

"No. I just want to sleep."I told him as I enclosed myself with the blanket



"Move, let's lie down together." He tells me as he slips in the covers beside me.

I want to protest but decided against it when another wave of pain hit my head

"Sleep" he whispered as he slung his hand on my waist, and he Nuzzled his face at the crook of my neck.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Minutes later....


I groan as the annoying poking wouldn't stop.

I open my eyes only to find Tyler looking at me holding his finger up to poke me again

"Do that one more time and I swear to God your going to lose your finger."

"Oh finally, Sleeping Beauty is awake!!! "

"Ugh. My head hurts"

"Yeah, drinking does that to you munchkin. "

"Stop that"

"What?" He asks then he smirked "Munchkin"

"For your information, I'm not small, I'm 5'3 for gods sake. That's just a medium sized person ." I reasoned out with him
"Yeah munchkin whatever you say." He tells me as he stares again at me

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked as I consciously rubbed my face


"Then why are you looking at me like that"

"Its just your so beautiful and I want to wake up everyday by your side" he tells me

"H-hey were not even an item" I reminded him

"Then what's stopping you?" He asks

"Its just this is all so new to me"

"It won't be, if you say yes." He says to me tucking a stray hair on my face at the back of my ears

"I-I need to go"

"There you go again" he mutters softly "leaving, when I tell you about my feeling"

I bit my lower lip. What should I do? What should I say?

"You don't need to say something" he says as though Reading my thoughts. " you just need to listen to me Xiara."

"I like you, I really really like you" he sighed "and it kills me that I'm not the one but that fucking kyle is the one you like."


"Please let me finish"

I kept quiet and nodded my head.

"I get so jealous that I want to punch any living daylight out of anyone that flirts with you, I can't help falling for you Xiara."

"Tyler I don't know if I can return those feelings!" I say panicked

"Don't worry about it baby. I know that. You already told me that. I know the risks. You don't have to return it you know?"

I nodded

"I'm really sorry"

"Don't be " he told me as he gave me a smile

After a while. The silence settles in

"You're handsome" a voice inside my headed sounded

Is that my voice?

"Tyler? Who took me home?"


"Really? When we were at the car, um did I do something stupid?"

He stiffened, so clearly I've done something

"Do you remember what happened last night Xiara?"

"No, I can't really remember anything after me doing the body shots, Why?"

"Just Forget it. I just thought-"

"You just thought?" I encouraged him to say more

"Nothing, Just forget it" he said in a irritated voice and got out of bed, "Food's downstairs"

I was left alone and for some reason I feel that Tyler was upset by something I told him but I don't understand what it is.

Tyler's POV

Goddamn it ! She didn't remember it, All of it.

I thought she finally acknowledged my feelings for her.

Considering our conversation last night after she kissed me

"I love you Handsome"

"I love you too Cupcake"

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