Awkward Seating arrangements

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"God, I'm so freaking late!! " I told myself as I grab my bag out the door. My alarm didn't work so here I am Struggling to arrive in time.

I quickly got out my car and rushed to my room.

Luckily before the teacher arrives, I sat down on my desk

"We're going to arrange a different seating from now on" our teacher announces

A series of grunts and grumbles can be heard throughout the room but me? I'm not part of that crowd. I don't mind staying anywhere, well anywhere except Arnold who's armpit stinks!

The names of my classmate started to be called. It was a minute later when Trey's name was called. Next mine and so on. We were halfway finished when Adrian came in the door.

"Sorry I'm late" if apologize

"You should be Mr. Peterson" the teacher sternly says at him "go sit next to Ms. Nights"

Oh no please don't

"Hey Xiara" if greets me

"Uh hi" I awkwardly greet him back

"So I see your seated next to your boyfriend" he bitterly spat

I can almost feel Trey's glare burning behind my head.


I suddenly hear someone cough behind me

"Hey Kyle" I greet him

"Oh hey didn't see you there"

"Yeah. So? How do you. Like your first week so far? " I ask him

"It was cool, I guess."

"yeah. You must be good to be able to attract coach Bob's attention in just 2 days after you enrolled here" I complimented him

"Yeah, I think he saw me playing at the finals last year" he told me

"Cocky prick" I hear Trey mumble beside me

"Mr Hudson and Ms Nights the flirting can wait later!" Our teachers voice boomed

I blushed, I wasn't flirting with him!

I kept my head down and awkwardly held my pen and pretended to draw something

An hour passed and the class is dismissed.

"Xiara, would you like to accept the honor to sit with my team today?" Trey cockily tells me

"Honor?" I scoffed "No thank you, I think I'll pass"

Trey's expression was priceless "B-But I told them, I'm going to bring you today"

"Well I guess they're going to wait a little longer to meet them won't they?" I tell him "Later!"

When I just walked a few meters away from Trey, Somebody called my name


Ugh freaking bastard, I already told him no

"What?" I snap but my anger goes away when I saw who called me

"Oh Kyle, I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you" I apologize

"Nah, it's okay"

"so what do you need?" I ask

"Well, I don't know if you would agree, but would you like to eat lunch with us?,... Ugh I know it's stupid-"

"are you kidding me? Of course it's fine" I tell him

"okay, I'll see later" he tells me

"Same to you"

Wait! Did Kyle mean? Oh no, That means Tyler will be there too.

I fidget in my seat, wishing time could slow down to delay my stupid mistake of agreeing with Kyle's offer. How could I be so dumb? Me course Kyle was referring to the football team! And they're expecting me to go with Tyler not Kyle. What will they think of me?

Finally the ring bells and my heart sky rocketed to the moon, my god! It's lunch time.

I slowly walk to the cafeteria to kill time. But unfortunately when I'm nervous I tend to walk faster.

I arrive at the cafeteria and saw Kyle waving at me, I smile at him and that's when I saw Tyler looking at me confused

I sat beside Tyler and Kyle because that was the only seat available

"glad you came" Kyle tells me

I just want to let the ground bury me six feet underground right now as I feel Tyler's gaze at me

"I guess you prefer a brunette over blonds to invite you to lunch eh?" Tyler speaks bitterly

The tension was so thick between us that it's almost suffocating

I did not even take a bite of my food not one bit.

As everyone finish, and I Rose up my chair to leave when Kyle grabs a hold of my wrist

"Hey stay please?" he asks me as he use his puppy dog eyes on me

I look at Tyler and see him walking farther away from me

I shrugged, maybe he really doesn't give a crap about me

"sorry Kyle I need to go"

I ran after Tyler.

"Tyler!" I yell "please slow down I can't keep up with you"

He scoffs "If I wanted you to keep up with me then I should've slow down the moment you ran after me."

"Please Tyler, stop acting like this!" I tell him

"Like what Nights?" he ask me

"Like a child!" I yell "Why are you even acting like this!?"

"I'm jealous Xiara, what do you expect that I leap out of joy and shout 'yippee-kay-ay, she chose another boy than me?'" he tells me "I get it your not used to having someone like you, but please at least try to be sensitive of what I feel! "

"I'm sorry Tyler" I apologize at him

"well you should've told me that the moment you chose him over me" he tells me sternly

"What do you want me to do!?" I ask him "I can't just force myself to like you or even let you in my life!-"

"Then why are you letting him in huh?!" he yells

"I don't know!" I yell at him, tears are stinging on the corner of my eyes

"Please don't cry Xiara" he comfort's me

I wanted to say something but unfortunately I can't stop sobbing

"I'm sorry okay shh" he coes me

. . . . . . . . . .

My eyes open and I was surprised to find myself sitting in my hummer.

I jolted awake and find Tyler driving the car

"Shit Xiara! You freaking startled me" he tells me as he quickly spin the steering wheel

"Sorry" I tell him "What happened?" I ask him

"Well after you cried, you suddenly passed out" he told me

"Oh, I'm sorry, I should've told you that if I get too stressed or emotional my body will shut down"

He stares at me "Is that even normal?"

"No, I'm incapable to handle my feelings well so my body shut down whenever it sense that I'm stressed" I explained

"So in other words, your sick"

"No, am not, I just don't handle feelings very well" I reasoned out with him

"But that's the same as being sick, "

"Fine, you win today" I tell him

He smirks "I always win baby"

" you and your ego" I mutter

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