Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I was sitting in AP English with my eyes forward, toward the teacher's desk. I was sitting back in my chair looking very uninterested, but my mind was on the discussion going on in my head.

"So, how do you all like this school, so far?" Nina asked

"There are a lot of cute guys here." London answered with a giggle

"Yeah, the girls are hot here as well. What do you think Leo?" Brandon asked with a wink

“Eh... Not really my type. To Blondie if you know what I mean." I said getting bored with this conversation

"You know why we are here, Leo. So keep your mind open." Nina said.

We four were chosen to go on this exchange because we are all mate-less. The leaders of the Moon Pack believe that once you find your mate you also find focus. 'A greater understanding of life', they call it.  I was brought back from my wondering mind by a mental shake from Brandon.

"Leo! Leo, look at that." he said in a voice full of awe.

I looked up and saw a gorgeous vision come into view. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. She had perfect ivory skin, long curly hair, hair a perfect mixture of red and brown. The wind blew through the window, bringing her sent to my nose. It was the smell of earth, forest, and life. The image that came to mind was werewolf. Brandon must have smelt it too, because he said

"Dude, she is one of us." (Mentally of course)

We stared at her trying to figure her out. That is until the teacher called attendance. We stood said our names then sat back down. The teacher then called names of student mentors for us. Only one name stuck with all of us, and that was Moon, Josephine Moon. We didn't have to ask which one was Moon we already knew. When we were told which student was assigned to whom, I nearly jumped out of my desk. It was her

"Leo, calm down. It isn't like she is all that great." Nina said. I just turned and glared at her.

"H-Hello. My name is Josey. Are you Leo?" said the most beautiful voice.

I looked up into stunning green eyes. The gold sparks in the middle twinkled and my wolf howled. I cleared my throat and took a deep calming breath, before I spoke.

"Yes, I am Leo. Do you want to sit with me or...? I managed with a surprisingly calm voice.

"Here is fine. So where do you want to start?" She said and smiled

My mind went to so many places. Letting my mind wonder to her eyes, her lips, her throat, and her hands. I felt my self drool. Closing my mouth I said


"On the lesson." she said

"Oh...” I felt so stupid

Just then the alarms went off and everyone jumped up. This must be the fire drill they were talking about. We quickly gathered our stuff and filed out of the school, in an 'orderly fashion'. It looked chaotic if you asked me. Josey grabbed my hand and lead me down our fire escape route. Once we were outside and in the safe area, she let go of my hand. I put my hand in my pocket, but it felt so empty. After about half an hour we were given further instructions and then dismissed. Josey then lead me back to the school and to my next class.

Josey POV

The rest of the day was about the same as always, with a few exceptions. I would go to class as always, except now Leo would tag along. I went to lunch same as always, but this time Leo and his friends sat at the table I usually sat alone at. When school was over I walked to the Library, to do homework. I usually go to the library for an hour on the days when I have after school activities. Today I have kick boxing.

I walked through the doors to the library, when I heard someone call my name.

"Josey! Hey, wait up."

"Oh Hey. Leo right?" I said turning to look at him

"So, where are you off to now?" Leo said looking a little nervous.

"Well, I am going to do some homework. Then I have after school activities." I said smiling a little at his question.

“I was wondering if I could tag along." "I-I mean if that is not to forward." Leo said with his hands behind his back, swaying a little from nerves

I smiled; he was so cute when he was nervous. I hated to have to turn him down.

"You see I am riding with my friend and she drives a two door sports car. So maybe some other time?" I said apologetically

I felt bad, he looked so disappointed. I wonder if he knows he doesn't have to follow me around all the time. He nodded his head and turned to leave, when I added.

"Hey, Leo. Do you wanna sit with me and do homework. Um... that is if you don't have some where to be."

He nodded and followed me to my regular seat, on the couch by the coffee shop. We sat down and pulled out our homework. Neither of us needed help so we worked in a comfortable silence, for the most part Every now and then I would feel someone stare at me. I would look up just in time to see Leo turn his head. I would blush and look back at my homework. I looked at my watch and realized that it was about time to go. I started to put my stuff away, when Leo said

"You’re leaving already?" with a disappointed look.

“Yeah, my friend should be here soon." I replied slinging my bag onto my back.

“Oh....Okay. Can I walk you outside?" Leo asked with a hopeful look.

"Um... You do know you don't have to stay with me. It is only for in school." I said a little uncomfortable with all the attention.

Leo packed his bag and got up, holding his hand out for me. When I put my hand in his I felt a numb tingle spark to life on my finger tips. The tingle traveled from my fingers to my shoulder, to my heart where it sparked. It spread through my veins to every part of my being. I looked into his eyes and his irises have spread out blocking out all white. I gasped, inhaling the some how suddenly fresher air. When I pulled my hand away breathing rapidly, the air became suddenly filthy with reality. Frightened I bolted for the door. I heard someone yelling but I didn't slow down to understand it. Outside I ran for Trish's car that just pulled in to the parking lot. I opened the door, took a deep breath, and then got in. I got yet another surprise when the person sitting in the driver's seat was none other than Liam. I looked out the window in time to see Leo by the school door. Oh my God can my life get any worse.



Sorry for not uploading for a while. My computer crashed and I am just getting it back. So this is the new chapter I hope you all like it. I thought I would upload again tonight but it is 11pm and the next chapter is like 6pages long in my notebook. Hope you guys dont hate me but i promise to upload tomorrow before or after the superbowl. .... GO STEELERS!!!!!

vote, Fan, critique

*Elizabeth* aka Fullmoonnight

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