Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Josey POV

I was in the bathroom scrubbing away when I heard a noise. It sounded like someone was moving the furniture around in the living room. I put my scrubber down and walked into the area the noise was coming from. I looked around and nothing looked out of place and was about to head back to the bathroom when I noticed the door slightly ajar. I walked slowly over to it looking from side to side to make sure no one was there. I closed the door and then made my way through the house checking all the rooms. As soon as I was satisfied that I was alone I made my way back to the bathroom to take up again my mission to clean this house of Mark funk. I picked up my scrubber and started cleaning the tub again when I felt my hair tickle my neck as if the wind blew on it. A shiver ran down my spine and goose bumps covered my flesh. I felt a callused finger brush the base of my neck and I stiffened. I slowly turned to look still in my knelt down position and the next second my back was against the tub and a male body was between my legs. I cringed away from the alcohol on Mark’s breath. I felt a hand travel from my hip to rest just below my bra line. I pushed him but in his drunken state he was much stronger than I remembered. He punched me dazing me and grabbed my ankle and started dragging me to the base of the stairs. He reached down and hoisted me on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. When he reached my room he kicked in the door and threw me on to the bed. I started to struggle flailing my legs and arms wildly. He grabbed the rope from his waistband and tied me to the bed rails. He took a knife and cut away my clothes exposing my body to his hands. He reached up and kissed me then taped my mouth shut. He then began to undress himself and climb on top of me. I began to scream begging him to not but it just came out in loud moans because of the tape. I was terrified. His hands began to rub my body in an attempt to arouse me but I was closer to being sick. He lowered himself into position and just when I thought all hope was lost he passed out inches from his mark.  Now I am stuck naked under a naked, passed out Mark.

“Great!” I yelled put again it came out as muffled whimpers

Now I have to wait until either Molly comes home and beat me for seducing Mark, or for Mark to come to and finish the job. I think I would rather take the beating from Molly. I threw up a little in my mouth but with no where to go because of the tape I had to swallow it.

“F*ck my life”

Leo’s POV

My high this morning came crashing down when I realized that she was not here. By last period I was a total grump. I kept looking at the door completely ignoring the teachers in the hope that maybe she would walk in, but to no avail. I was daydreaming about her when someone bumped into me on my way to the car park. I looked at the person in front of me.

“Hey, watch where you are going.” I grumbled out and then continued on my way.

“Wait, aren’t you that hu…dude that was with Josey yesterday?” the guy asked.

I looked again at the guy and realized he was the one that was driving with Josey yesterday.

“Where is she?” we both asked at the same time

“She is not with out?” we answered again at the same time

My eyes narrowed as did his as we stared at each other. He was the first to break the staring contest by turning to leave me standing there.

“Wait if she is not here and not with you where is she?” I asked starting to get worried.

“My guess is she is at that assholes house.” He said as he continued on his way out the door.

I stood there thinking about what he just said. I noticed he had already walked out side and started sprinting after him. I caught wind of rust, dirt, and death that is when I remembered that he was a vampire. I reached the door just as his car entered traffic leaving school. I got to my car and followed him as best I could at 10 cars behind. I must have made a wrong turn because I lost him in the traffic of after school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2011 ⏰

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