Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Josephine stood in front of the mirror, bent over towel drying her long curly hair.  She was dressed in a mid-thigh length, deep purple dress with knee high combat boots and fighter gloves that reached just below her elbow. She flipped her hair up and over her head and gasped when she saw Liam in the doorway. Her bright green eyes with sparks around the center reminded him of his dream, but the color was different so he let it drop.

"You’re beautiful", he said in awe, which made her blush

Before either one of them knew what was happening, Liam reached out to Josey, pulling her into a kiss. Just once was all it took for the sparks to fly and both to jump back from embarrassment.

Josey's POV

Oh My God, Liam just kissed me. ... Oh. My. God. Who the hell does he think he is? ... Before I could stop myself I spoke

"Who the hell do you think you are? Did I give you permission to assault my lips?"

Liam's expression when from: shocked at the kiss, to confusion at her words, to smug and he said.

"Honey, if you didn't like it, you wouldn't have kissed me back." with that he laughed and walked from the room.

Trish came in moments later with a smirk on her face, and started doing my make up. I gave her a questioning look; she waved it off and said

"Oh nothing. I am not going to say anything."

Still being angry at Liam, I didn't mean to but I did, I snapped at her


Trish's smirk turned into a smile and she said

"I told you so."

I smiled, poking her in the side, playfully.

"Shud up" I said teasingly

She finished my make up and we left. With out seeing Liam again we walked to the car. We laughed the whole way to where she dropped me off. At school....


Hey everyone. Yes I know, short chapter. I hate to say it but the next chapter may be a bit boring at first but it will lead in to another twist so stick with me ppl ... I will upload soon

not going to even ask for votes or anything cause this was such a short chapter.

thanks for reading

Elizabeth... aka fullmoonnight

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