chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Liam's POV

I woke up expecting to still be in the clearing. How disappointing it was to wake up to four walls and a roof. I laid there with my arms behind my head, recollection the dream. With a sigh I put my arms down beside me and felt something strange

"What in the world" I said out loud to myself

Sitting up I brought my hand to my face I gasped at what was in my hand. It was fur, white fur still warm. I blinked several times to make sure I wasn't imaging things. I looked at my covers to find it covered here and there with white fur. I smiled and smelled the fur so if I ever smelt it again I would recognize it and then picked up what I could of the fur. I found a book on the night stand with a ribbon as a bookmark. I took the ribbon and wrapped it around the fur and tied a little bow then placed it back in the book. When I was sure it was secure I got up from bed and went to take a shower humming all the way.

Josey's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. My dream had been good; I just wished I could remember it. I got up sighing; Trish was still snuggled up to her huge, stuffed, teddy bear. I walked to the kitchen to start breakfast knowing Trish would get up and finish it while I showered. I was putting the French toast in the pan when Liam came in. He walked to the cabinet got a glass, and then went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. I heard him take a large gulp, then heard the glass crash and shatter all over the floor. Water splashed up on my face and all over my pajamas. Liam grabbed my chin and gently pulled my face to look at him.

"Oh My Dracula" Liam said slowly while staring at my face.

"What....What’s wrong?" I asked feeling a little self conscious.

"What happened? Who hit you?" Liam said with anger barely hidden behind his calm exterior.

Realization hit me like a rock I tried to pull away to embarrassed. He was looking at the place where Mark hit me. Liam held my chin and made me look him in the eyes. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't, my lip trembled at the memory of Mark hitting me. A single tear escaped.

I....I...Um." I choked out then looked to the floor.

Liam took a calming breath, and was about to ask again when Trish walked in the room.  She walked up and pulled me from Liam and right into a secure hug. She glared at Liam and said

"Shh, Josey I got you now. Liam what did you do?"

Not being use to such interaction I became uncomfortable and pushed away.

"Um.... I need a shower and then I am going to need a ride to school." I said looking at Trish and trying hard to ignore Liam.

I began to walk toward the bathroom when I smelled something burning. I looked to where I was cooking the food and black smoke was coming from the pan.

“Trishy could we stop for breakfast instead, cause I think ours is burnt." I said while pointing to the once edible food.

“Yeah... that is an understatement. I would say the breakfast is ruined. So fast food biscuits it is." Trish said with a smile on her face.

I glanced one last time at Liam and saw he was staring at me with a poker face on but I could tell he was angry cause his fist were balled at his side.

"Okay Shower time. Be back in a Jiffy" I said turning back and going into the bathroom

Closing the door behind me I could hear them arguing in whispered yells in the other room but I tuned it out.

Liam's POV

Time Josey shut the door I laid in to Trish for answers. The calm in my voice was eerie and each word dripped with anger as I said

“Trish...I want answers and your going to give them to me. Is that clear?"

Trish started to pace with a pained expression on her face. I wondered could it be that bad but my answers were soon answered when she began to talk.

"I met her about two years ago. She is not my normal type of friend but I felt a draw towards her. About a month after we met she didn't show up to work one day. I got a little worried... Okay a lot worried I must have left fifty messages on her phone. Not a single response I might add. The next day I go to work and find her huddled in the back seat of her car. She was black and blue all over. She had cuts and scrapes covering her, and she refused the hospital. I patched her up best I could and demanded an explanation. ... Turns out her aunt is a drunk and she lets her bar friends torture Josey. Then calls her a slut and puts her out on the street." Trish took a deep breath before she continued. "Now I tried the human route and called the cops... Lets just say that was a big mistake on my part. I got arrested for assault and battery. Charges were dropped when they failed to produce a victim. Filling error the called it. pfft.  When I got out I saw her with more bruises and realized that I got off easy. So I let her stay here when she needs it but she refuses to stay more than a week. This time wasn't as bad and she will be eighteen soon and can move out." Trish ended then looking at me to respond

What could I possibly say to that? I walked numb to the table and sat in a chair. I brought my hand to my face and tried to wipe the astonishment off my face.

"Oh... Oh. My. Dracula. The things people do to their own astonish me." I said with an expression of disgust on my face.

"Trish....Um do you think you could work your make up Magic again? Please." Josey called from the bathroom.

Before I knew what I was doing I jumped from my chair

"Damn it to Hell" I said and walked to the bathroom still anger surging through me at the idiot that hit Josey.

I felt protective of this Human and that made me angrier. Maybe it was Trish's feelings wearing off on me or maybe it was that she intrigued me but I felt I had to protect her. I walked through the door and what is saw took my breath away and the anger evaporated.

"Josey" I whispered


Hey sorry I haven't uploaded in a few days but the only reason i was uploading everyday was because I was snowed in. Now I am free... Yay!....Someone warn the world LOL.

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*Elizabeth*...aka Fullmoonnight

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