Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

 Josey’s POV

When Liam and I reached Trish’s apartment I went straight into the bedroom to pack my clothes. Tomorrow I would be going back to my aunt’s house. I couldn’t impose on Trish anymore not with her cousin being here also. I kept out an out fit for tomorrow and my pajamas, and placed my bag by the door to the apartment. When I turned around Liam was looking at me from across the room with an eyebrow cocked questioningly.  I ignored it and continued on into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Much to my dismay Liam followed me into the kitchen. It is not that I don’t like him, it is just I get a funny feeling around him.  It is not a bad feeling, it is just I can’t place it. He was just standing there observing my sandwich making, with a face that showed no emotion at all. It was really annoying me but I tried to hide my feelings. From years of abuse I have mastered the poker face. Sometimes not arguing is the best way to end a confrontation. 

When I finished making my sandwich I went and sat on a chair by the table. I ate my sandwich slowly, keeping my eyes down cast avoiding Liam’s constant gaze. When I was done I cleaned up my mess and walked back to the living room. I sat at the coffee table and pulled out my homework that needed to be complete. Liam again followed me and sat opposite me at the coffee table. Again my eyes were down cast concentrating on the task of completing the math problem in front of me. When I finished the problem before moving on to the next one I looked up to see Liam with a scrunched up face eye balling my work.

“What? Is the answer wrong?” I asked

“No it is not. It’s just… I don’t get it you work your problem completely wrong but still get the correct answer.” Liam said staring blazes at my math homework.

I looked back at my work when realization hit me and I started to laugh. Liam looked up at me confused. I held up a hand letting him know I would explain in a moment. As soon as my laughter died down enough for me to talk I explained.

“Yes I know I am doing the work wrong. My mathematics teacher insists this is the right way to do the work no matter how many times I try to explain. He even marks off if I don’t do the work the way he wants it. So I work it in my head then write it down the way he wants it, but still leaving the correct answer at the end.” I said giggling at the strange face he had taken on.

“Why are you even in this class if you already know how to do the work? Why not advance to a higher class?” Liam asked completely interested in my answer.

“I am already in advance classes. I can’t get any higher with out being in college.” I said in a nonchalant way.

Liam looked at me in awe, but quickly replaced it with one of no emotion. I glanced over his shoulder at the clock on the wall and sighed. It was time to go to bed so I could get up early enough to walk to school. I packed my stuff up and headed toward the bathroom with my pajamas in my hand. After I was changed I pulled my hair in to a messy bun on top of my head. Some of the smaller pieces of hair were falling down in tendrils framing my face. I walked out of the bathroom and turned to go toward the spare bedroom fully aware that Liam was in there. I knocked softly on the door. With in moments Liam was leaning against the door frame staring at me. I smiled sweetly at him.

“Can I have a spare pillow and blanket out of the closet please” I asked him

“Yeah, sure one moment.” Liam said before closing the door. With in moments he was back with what I had asked for.

“Aren’t you sleeping with Trish?” Liam asked

“Well she is working late tonight wont be back until late, also I will be leaving early so it just works out for me to sleep on the couch.” I said

I took the pillow and blanket from his hand before turning and walking back to the couch. I laid the pillow down and climbed under the blanket. I stared at the ceiling for a while remembering the way Liam’s Lips had felt and the way Leo grabbed my hand sent shocks through my body. Some where between comparing the two feelings my thoughts slurred and sleep over took me. Just before I went into complete darkness I felt someone brush my curls out of my face and for a brief moment I felt pressure against my lips.

“Liam” I felt myself whisper

Leo’s POV

When Josey walked out of Trish’s room with her bags I thought she was leaving. I just stood there and watched unsure of how that thought made me feel. My mind settled on sadness before immediately switching to joy when all she did was set her bags by the door. Then I became confused by her. She was completely ignoring my existence. She just walked into the kitchen as if I wasn’t even here. I followed her but kept my distance. She made her sandwich and sat down at the table and ate it, before brushing past me into the living room. I followed her and sat down opposite her at the coffee table.  Again she completely ignored me.  This girl was really starting to annoy me. I glanced down at what she was doing and immediately forgot about being annoyed. This girl was doing the work all wrong, doesn’t she know anything. Some how her answer came out correct. She moved on to the next one and again the work was wrong but the answer was correct. I was staring at the problem when she asked me if her answer was wrong. I looked up at her completely forgetting I was supposed to be annoyed with her. I told her that her answer was fine but her work was wrong and the girl shocked me by laughing. What did I say a joke? When she told me about her idiot of a teacher I couldn’t help but be angry at him. I asked her why she didn’t just advance from his class if she already knew the work. When she told me that she was already at the highest level I looked at her in awe. I always had a thing for the geeky girl. I mentally shook that thought out of my head as she suddenly stood up and walked to the bathroom.  I sat there a moment processing this new information about her before getting up to my room.

I had been in there maybe fifteen minutes before there was a soft knock on the door. I answered it and looked down at Josey. Her hair was done up in a way that looked messy but sexy.  The soft curls around your face are sometimes called angel kisses but with the face of angel it just makes you want to kiss it. God I am getting corny. She asked me to get her a pillow and a blanket from the closet. I went to get it and was thankful for the moment to collect my self before having to face her again. I opened the door when a thought struck me Isn’t she sleeping with Trish? When she explained that she was sleeping on the couch so she wouldn’t disturb Trish in the morning, I had to admit her logic was sound.  Still that did not make me happy that she was sleeping on the couch. With out waiting for a response she took the pillow and blanket and walked to the couch. I just stood there and watched her for a while. When I heard her breathing slow I walked quietly over and peered down at her. One of her curls was across her forehead and I lightly tucked it behind her ear. The moment was to sweet and caught myself leaning forward toward her but didn’t stop myself from pressing my lips softly to hers.  I let myself enjoy their softness and warmth. Just as I was pulling away I saw her lips part.

“Liam” she breathed

Just the sound of my name on her lips sent shivers down my spine. I think I floated back to my room on cloud nine. I flopped on to my bed and stared at the ceiling. I think I will drive her to school tomorrow I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.


Thank you so very much for reading my story. I am going through all of my story and uploading them onto word so that I can correct my grammar. I know that it is time consuming but i honestly believe that it will bring more life to my stories when the reader is not concerned about whether or not they are reading it right.

If you like it please let me know I don't know if my story is good or not unless I am told. I mean to me it is the best story ever.(but i am a bit biased)


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again thank you very much for Reading my story ...I hope it doesn't suck all that much :D

~Elizabeth~  ... Aka fullmoonnight

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