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A/N: There is mention of alcohol abuse in this chapter. Pease read at your own discretion. 

C H A P T E R   T H R E E

Two months had passed since Camryn found out her mother had been drinking again. It didn't get better, and Camryn never confronted her parents about it. She would periodically find an empty bottle around the house. She was afraid to say anything for fear of conflict, and she didn't want her mom to find out that she knew. And she would never say anything to Liz or Betty. It wasn't their problem. This was something that Camryn had to deal with on her own.

Camryn went to her locker right before lunch to drop off her English book. She looked in the mirror and scowled at her appearance. She didn't wear any makeup and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked like a sad mess. Camryn sighed as she closed her locker. Peter was right next to her pulling a textbook out of his locker. She attempted to walk right past him but she caught his attention as she was leaving.

"Camryn!" Peter called out, closing his locker, "are you okay? You seem off today."

Camryn took a deep breath, turning around to face him, "off?"

"Well, yeah," Peter shrugged, "you're usually happy and upbeat-"

"I'm not off," Camryn retorted before turning around to walk away.

Peter followed behind her and grabbed her shoulder to stop her, "wait. If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here."

Camryn narrowed her eyes at him. He was never there. Always leaving out of the blue. Missing classes and practice. Besides, it was none of his business if she was okay or not. She swatted his arm.

"I don't need you."

Camryn walked away from a very confused Peter. He furrowed his brows as he watched her leave. He didn't understand what was wrong with her. For years, Camryn was always so happy and kind. But today was not at all how she usually is. Peter felt genuine concern for his friend. Something was very wrong with her, and he knew better than anyone that keeping it bottled up inside could destroy you.

Camryn felt bad for swatting at Peter like that. But he was meddling in her business. She hated when people pried into her personal life. She had her own problems and she was sure Peter had his. He needed to mind his own business.

She walked to lunch and sat with Betty. Liz was busy putting up banners for the school's homecoming dance in a few weeks. Camryn did not like the idea of going to a school dance. She liked being around people, just not three hundred of them. Camryn started eating her lunch while Betty was talking to her about how she was asked to the dance by that boy from her math class. Camryn did feel happy for Betty, at least she was happy.

"Hey Penis Parker!"

Camryn and Betty both looked up at Flash who stood at Peter's table. Peter was sitting with Ned and Michelle, who he regularly sat with. Peter rolled his eyes. "What Flash?"

"Are you finally gonna show up to practice today?" Flash snickered.

"No Flash, I'm quitting," Peter said.

"Really?" Flash chuckled, "it's not like you have anything else better to do."

"I have an internship-"

"Yeah, yeah with Tony Stark. You've never even been in the same room as him," Flash mocked. Peter was starting to get annoyed with Flash's constant pestering.

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