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C H A P T E R  F I V E

Camryn and her friends sat in the bleachers of their gymnasium for PE class. They were wearing the blue and gold PE uniform which consisted of a unisex t-shirt and gym shorts. Coach Wilson approached the students with an old, small TV on wheels and inserted a VHS tape. It reminded Camryn of her days in elementary school when they would watch Bill Nye in science class.

A video of Captain America appeared on the screen. He explained the "Captain America Fitness Challenge", which nobody in the room wanted to do. Everyone just watched with little interest as the now ex-Avenger attempted to motivate them. Coach Wilson paused the video.

"I'm pretty sure he's a war criminal now, but whatever I'm required by the state to show it so let's do this!" Coach Wilson explained, blowing his whistle.

All the students dispersed onto the gym floor, prepping the gym for the challenge. They brought out blue wrestling mats for the sit-up and push-up portions of the challenge. Camryn herself wasn't an athlete, but many nights with her father in their home gym made her pretty fit. Liz, Betty, Jason and Charles sat on the bleachers while everyone did the fitness challenge. Camryn partnered with another girl for the sit-up portion of the challenge. As Camryn was doing her sit-ups, her friends were chatting on the bleachers.

"Now, see, for me, it would be F Thor, marry Iron Man, and kill Hulk," Betty exclaimed.

Charles raised a brow, "well, what about the Spider-Man?"

Betty scoffed, "it's just Spiderman."

Liz spoke up, "Did you guys see the bank security cam on YouTube? He fought off four guys."

Betty looked at her with an unamused expression, "oh my god, she's crushing on Spiderman."

"No way," Charles interjected.

Liz shrugged, "kind of?"

Betty rolled her eyes, "ugh, he's probably like, thirty."

"You don't even know what he looks like," Charles pointed out, "what if he's like, seriously burned?"

"I wouldn't care because I would like him for who he is on the inside, not on the outside," Liz stated, matter-of-factly.

"Peter knows Spiderman!"

Everyone, including Camryn, looked at Ned after he just blurted the fact that Peter knew Spiderman. Peter sat up and glared at Ned, clearly annoyed that his friend just caused a scene. "No, I don't!"

Ned got up from the mat, "they're friends."

Flash jumped down from the rope he was climbing to listen in on the conversation, "yeah, just like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends."

Betty giggled while Liz looked at Peter with a curious expression. Peter struggled to find an excuse, or anything, to tell them. "I-I've met him, a couple of times. B-but it's through... the Stark internship."

Flashed nodded sarcastically, not believing the excuses Peter was spewing. Peter turned his gaze towards Ned, "but I'm not allowed to talk about it."

"Well hey, that's awesome," Flash pointed out, "maybe you should invite him to Liz's party, right?"

Peter looked at Liz with widened eyes. Liz shrugged, "yeah, I'm having people over tonight. You're more than welcome to come."

"A party?" Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was Liz Allen inviting him to her party? It was like a dream come true.

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