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A/N: There is depiction of gun violence in this chapter. Please read at your own discretion.

C H A P T E R  S I X

Peter and Ned were in an engineering classroom after school. Peter wanted to tinker with the purple stone he found last night but didn't have the equipment at home. He had to be careful though as he didn't want anyone in the school finding out he had a strange, glowing stone in his pocket. The two boys stood hovered over the purple stone, trying to break it off the weapon to see what was inside. Peter thought if he could break it off, it would tell him what was powering their tech to make it so dangerous.

Ned leaned against the table and glared at Peter, "why did you bail on me at Liz's party?" Peter shook his head, "something came up. It's how I found this stone."

"Dude, I was waiting for you for an hour!" Ned exclaimed, "I had to come up with some lame ass excuse."

"No one even noticed I left," Peter muttered, not taking his attention off the purple stone. Ned gave Peter an annoyed look, "Camryn did. She even tried to talk you into staying but you just left."

Peter let out a long sigh before turning to Ned, "dude, don't bring her into this. I couldn't stay. I saw a huge explosion and had to check it out. I had to actually be Spiderman last night instead of being your party trick."

Ned rolled his eyes and then turned his attention to the stone, "what even is that?"

Peter dropped one of his tools and shrugged, "I don't know but some guy tried to vaporize me with it." Ned's jaw dropped in disbelief, "seriously? Awesome."

It was Peter's turn to give his friend a stare, "dude, not awesome."

"Oh yeah, totally uncool of that guy."

Peter scoffed as he grabbed a pair of pliers and tried to pry it off, "well, I think this is a power source of some kind.

"Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors," Ned said, referencing the wires that were connected to it, "that's an inductive charging plate. That's what I use to charge my toothbrush."

Peter turned to Ned, "whoever is making this is combining alien tech with ours."

Ned stared at the weapon with awe, "that is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said."

Peter knelt down to grab more tools from under the table, not even paying attention to his friend. Ned continued on, "I just want to thank you for letting me be part of your adventure into this amazing-"

Ned was pulled out of his trance as Peter took a hammer and hit the stone aggressively, which caused it to fall off of its stand and onto the table. The impact caused a loud metal clamor and bright shock, which scared both Peter and Ned. Sometimes Peter didn't know his own strength.

"Keep your fingers clear of the blades," the teacher said nonchalantly, not taking his eyes off the book he was reading.

Peter turned his attention towards the now dislodged stone, "I've got to figure out who's making this. We'll go to the lab and run some tests."

"Yeah," Ned agreed as they both shook hands, proud of themselves for managing to dislodge the stone.

Peter grabbed the weapon core and stone and put it in his backpack. They both cleared the table and went on their way. They were walking through the halls as Peter spoke up, "first, we put the glowy thingy in the mass spectrometer." Ned responded, "first we have to come up with a better name than "glowy thingy". Peter nodded in agreement.

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