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A/N: This chapter is really long... 

C H A P T E R   E I G H T

It's been a painful week for Camryn as she was still recovering from her gunshot wound. She was relieved to finally get the sling off, but was advised to stay away from any stress and heavy lifting on her shoulder. Camryn was walking with her yellow Midtown Decathlon Team blazer over her black long sleeved t-shirt. She had on dark blue denim Levis and white Vans. She had her backpack slung on her good shoulder and held her small duffle bag with her right hand. Since they were staying the night in D.C., students were expected to bring a change of clothes and essentials for the hotel.

Camryn met with Liz, who was talking with Flash and Abe. The team was waiting outside of a bus for Mr. Harrington, the coach. In the distance she saw Peter running towards the bus with his backpack on.

"Hey Peter," Camryn greeted.

"I was hoping I could join the team again," Peter exclaimed.

"No, no way," Flash objected, "you can't just bail on us and expect to come back-"

Mr. Harrington came walking off the bus and saw Peter, "oh, welcome back Peter!" Then he turned to Flash, "Flash, you're back on first alternate."

"What?" Flash was confused and angry. Everyone on the team knew that Peter was much more intelligent than Flash, which is why Flash was put back on first alternate.

"He's taking your place," Mr. Harrington clarified, which he didn't need to do because Flash understood that being on first alternate meant. Ned was laughing silently.

"Hey, can we leave now?" Michelle asked, "I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so..."

"Protesting is patriotic," Mr. Harrington saluted, "alright, everyone on the bus!"

Everyone started to pile into the bus. Everyone sat in their own seats, since there were only a few of them and the bus was so large. Camryn looked at the time on her phone, 3:45 pm. She read a text message from her mother.

Mom: I can't wait to see you compete tomorrow!

Camryn smiled. She was glad that her mother was going to watch her compete for Midtown High. She didn't get to see many of her competitions, but at least her mother is making an effort to make them now. Camryn looked outside her window and saw the school move away as the bus started to take off.

An hour into the bus ride and everyone was training for the meet. 

"Focus up, everybody!" Liz yelled, "our next topic is the moons of Saturn."

Liz fired questions left and right as everyone raced to answer the question. Michelle sat behind Camryn, reading her Stephen King book and not paying any attention to the other students. Camryn herself wasn't involved with the Midtown family feud, she spent her time drawing in her notebook.

"Good to have you back, Peter," Liz smiled, gazing into his eyes. Camryn rolled her eyes.

"Glad to be back," Peter smiled back.

After about three more hours they finally arrived at the hotel. Everyone went in and were overwhelmed with how big and crowded the hotel was. Every college on the east coast had a tent set up in the main lobby, trying to recruit decathlon students.

"Alright, everyone stay together!" Mr. Harrignton exclaimed, trying to herd the students together.

Peter turned to Ned, "hey, you brought your laptop, right?"

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