The beginning of the day is spent introducing us to everyone. I do mean everyone. They act polite enough, but I can tell they're wary. I don't blame them, and I can't hold them at fault. Not when the feeling is mutual.
By the afternoon I finally have a moment to myself. I want to go back to the pond. That seems like the only quiet place, but the sun is scorching and sitting in hot sand doesn't sound enjoyable.
I end up in Thomas's RV at the table, tapping my nails against the clear polished wood. Lila asked if I would be staying, and I've been mulling over that question. I want more than anything to want to stay, but staying, I'm sure, would mean I would be joining the rebellion. Maybe Jonas was using me. That doesn't make the feelings I had for him vanish. They hold tight to me. I can't put Jonas in harm's way. I won't have any part in doing that.
Erik comes up the steps. His hair is neater than I've seen it in days. It looks like he ventured to drag a comb through it, and I feel suspicion tingling its way up my arms.
"I've been talking with your uncle."
I sit straighter. "Oh?"
"He's really interested in what I can do to help."
"With the rebellion, I'm assuming."
"You know they want to destroy your family. Is that what you want now?"
Erik leans against the counter across from me. "No, but they can offer us protection from my family."
"You trust Thomas?"
Erik shifts. "Everyone can be trusted. I'm trying to figure out how much I can trust him, and he's doing the same. He's trying, Iris. He really is. He even said I can take his truck, and you and I can go to this restaurant he told me about."
"A restaurant that he surely has people watching."
"It's the only restaurant for miles. He didn't have options to offer me. So I was wondering, for when we go to dinner"—when, because he's not giving me an option—"if you'd come with me as a"—he swallows, looking down at his feet, and my stomach plummets—"date."
It's like I can hear gears in my brain screeching to a halt. He has to be pulling my leg. Somehow, he managed to hear Lila and I last night. He must have.
"You don't like me."
"I've traveled across the country with you. I must at least like you some." He scratches the back of his neck, making me feel bad for not immediately saying yes and jumping into his arms. But that's not what I want to do. I don't like him like that. It's his damn cousin I have feelings for. And most importantly, he killed Molly. It would be foolish of me to say yes.
But wouldn't it be even more foolish to say no to a man like that?
"Erik, we can't make it awkward between us. We're too dependent on each other that if something went wrong"— like you killing me—"it would ruin everything." Me being dead would ruin everything for me. "Let's not put a tag on dinner, please. We're stuck between people who hate each other. There's no time for dates and things like that."
"Romeo and Juliet made it work."
"And died." The word hangs thick in the air between us.
Erik doesn't say a word before leaving the RV.
I lean my head against the seat cushion. That couldn't have just happened. If Erik actually liked me, he'd answer my questions, he wouldn't shut me out, he'd maybe give me a stupid flower from time to time.
The door squeaks as it opens, and I look up. Thomas is smiling at me.
"I just saw Erik leaving. Did he talk to you?"
I set my hands in my lap, hoping I look composed. "Yes, thank you. It will be nice to sit down at a restaurant. It's been awhile."
"I'm sure. Erik was telling me how you've hardly even had time to eat."
"Erik thinks we can eat when we're dead." I make myself force out a laugh. It sounds fake in my ears.
"I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to like him." Great, you can go on a date with him then.
"He's something else."
"That he is. I was actually hoping to show you something." I swear, if he's secretly a fanboy of the Society and is about to show me his collection of homemade posters, I'm going to punch something.

Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)
Science FictionNow a digital pilot for SYFY The Society knows when we're going to die. They imprint it on our arms at birth. I was supposed to die yesterday. I'm the girl who's Expired. Winner of the 2020 Readers Choice Awards Cover by @Forcade