8 L

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The beautiful cover is by @MarieDani


While I eat a Belgian waffle, Jonas fills the Order and Brydan in on his plan. I find myself watching Sebastian, Tobias, and Enzo, wondering what it is about them that makes them more trustworthy—less murderously inclined—than the others. I've always liked Riley since I met him, and thought Tobias was at least a decent Society member from the few encounters I've had with him, but I wrote that off as charming, which most of the Order excels at being. Maybe the few stragglers Jay-yeon, Eli, Colton, and Bently do as well but don't feel like wasting their talents on me.

As I pour more syrup on my plate, I catch Erik watching me. I haven't forgotten when he said that I had been screwing his cousins while he claimed to be trying to find a way to get us out from underneath the Society's foot; when he told me he wished he had never saved me from being killed by the car that was destined to hit me.

How much of what he said did he mean? It certainly felt like he meant all of it when he was hurling the words at me.

I thought it was him who had shot me, but I was mistaken about that. How much else was I wrong about?


While the Order waits in the limo, Jonas and I walk into the inn together. I can't say that I'm disappointed by the approaching storm. I wasn't looking forward to stepping foot in the Society anytime soon. Not with Society members—and Amoris waiting for me. Not with my uncle wanting me to infiltrate the Society. Will he try making contact, eager to use his niece after nineteen years now that he knows I might be of some benefit to him?

I just want to live out my second chance at life. To do the things I never got to do before.

I steal a glance at Jonas who keeps looking up at the storm clouds as if he expects them to open upon us at any moment. I've known for a while I can no longer destroy the Society, not while Jonas is a part of it.

I do want the Society to change. Even if something does happen to me, maybe he'll be the one to enact the change the country needs.

Thunder claps overhead just as we reach the sliding glass doors. They open and a blast of cold air from inside hits us.

The concierge behind the front desks hurriedly bows to the Preeminence, and after Jonas tells him how many rooms we'll be needing, he passes over his card.

As the concierge is turned away from us to run the card, Jonas rubs his neck. "Are you looking forward to sleeping in a normal bed again just as much as I am?"

Before I can answer, a gun clicks. It's a sound I would know anywhere.


The blood rushes from my face. That voice is also a sound I would know anywhere.

"L," I breathe. She was a fellow orphan in my home.

I turn slowly. Her thin black hair is pulled back in a ponytail. As her dark brown eyes shift from Jonas to me, the color drains from her face, her gun pointed at Jonas's back. Our training taught us too well.

"You're a ghost."

"L." My heart pounds, and I raise my hands. Jonas doesn't move at all, his back tense and neck ramrod straight. I know that Jonas has two guns on him. I can't let her see them. "I assure you, I'm very much alive." I have to keep her eyes on me.

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