22 The First Dance

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The first time I set foot in a Society ball, my breath was taken away as I watched the Society dance through a sea of stars. Stars glistened outside the glass ceiling and through the window that takes up the entirety of the far wall. There were stars that hovered above the floor that I called projections but that was a loose term because a swish of a dress would send the stars twirling with the dancers. All of that is still here, just as stunning as it was during the first ball.

Tonight, the Society has become the stars. They're also the night sky, and the misty clouds that pass between the heavens and earth. Bathed in swaths of black, silver, and white, they twirl and twist, spinning under the arms of their partners to the pace of the music. The lights from the chandeliers catch on the stones and sequins on gowns and suits and on the masks that shield the faces of the Society.

My own gown is black, decorated in silver and black stones, the skirt of it covered by a layer of tulle. The mask that cuts across my nose and brows matches my dress, and a streak of silver weaves its way across the mask.

I scan the crowd trying to catch sight of anyone I know, my heart already hammering at what Colton and I will attempt.

No one wears laurel wreath crowns tonight. There is nothing to set the Order and those in close relation to them apart from the rest of the Society. The only reason I'm able to spot Jonas is because I saw him an hour ago before the ball begun. He's in conversation with a man and a woman not too far from me. His suit fits him too well that it's hard not to stare. His jacket is a dark silver covered in black whorls. When he notices my gaze, his eyes hidden on his mask that matches his jacket meet mine, and even through his mask, I feel them smoldering against my skin as he rakes his eyes over me. My toes curl in my slippers, similar to ballet shoes but thicker, sturdier. Ones in which I could dance the whole night through with Jonas if I didn't have a mission.

Jonas brings his eyes back to mine, and he tilts his head ever so slightly as if asking why I'm still glued to my spot.

In a few days I'll be gone. I know I will. It's the best choice for me. For Jonas.

I swallow hard, forcing myself to turn away, only to find myself inches away from a broad chest hidden underneath a tux. I tilt my head back to meet Bently's gaze.

Even with the mask, this close, I have no difficulties identifying him.

"Iris." His tone is cool.


He smiles, and I wonder if this is what it's like for prey when a lion bares its teeth right before it lunges.

"Dance with me."

At some point the song that was playing when I entered stopped, but I only notice it now.

"Why would I do that, Digamma? I believe the point of Kerrie-uh is that we're equal for tonight. You can't order me around."

He clasps his hands behind his back. "You dislike the Digamma. As you just said, we are the same tonight, which means I'm not the Digamma."

"I'd rather not." Turning on my heel, I seek out Jonas, but he's no longer where I last saw him. Bently's hand wraps around my arm, rooting me to my spot. My sleeves come to my wrists, so I don't have to feel his skin against mine, but the fine fabric does nothing to hide the way his fingers tighten against my muscles.

"Dance with me, Iris."

I roll my shoulders back.

"It's too crowded to attack me."

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