"Are we staying here?" I ask once we walk away from the desk.
"No," Jonas says. "We'll stay in the airport until the storm passes, but we need to head there now."
Jonas walks with me to the limo where only Brydan waits. The Preeminence slips into the driver's seat while I get into the front passenger seat.
"Is everyone okay?" Brydan asks, hand on the back of our seats.
I twist around to look at him as the rest of the Order walk through the parking lot. "Yes." I explain to Brydan where we'll be waiting out the storm since Jonas doesn't seem inclined to speak with him. Besides for me, Riley is the only one Jonas will spend much time talking to.
Once in the car, the Order talk about the rebels but none of them ask about me knowing L, so I assume Jay-yeon didn't share that information.
At the airport we're shown to a VIP lounge that will only be for our use. The back wall is all window, and I watch as the light rain turns into a downpour, lightning flashing beyond the grounded planes.
One by one, the men fall asleep, spread out on the black leather chairs spaced around the room. I curl my legs against me, facing the window.
What must she think of me now?
Why do I care? She abandoned me and convinced the others to do the same. I shouldn't have cared if she got hurt.
Growing up, I was taught the Society was evil, selfish, but now that I'm grown, I realize the rebels only care about themselves, not even each other. Just themselves.
Jay-yeon settles down into the seat next to me. "Hey."
A strong gust blows the rain sideways. "I thought you were asleep."
"I couldn't fall asleep. Was it weird for you to see L?"
"You could have warned her about us."
"I don't owe the rebels anything."
"They're your family."
"They aren't."
He cocks his head, waiting for me to go on.
I let out a breath. "After you left us the night the Society came, L was the one who convinced enough people to leave me behind." I rest my chin on my knees. "I wasn't worth the pain. She claimed it was because they loved me too much that they couldn't see me suffer. They didn't know if my death would be slow or fast."
"So you're loyal to the Society?"
"The Society wants me dead, remember? You all want me dead."
He shrugs, settling back in the seat. The rain blurs the blue and green lights that line the runways. "I don't want you dead."
I scoff. "Really? Is that why you helped Colton expose me to the Society?"
"It was my duty."
"Like it was your duty to infiltrate my orphanage and collect intel on the rebels?"
"I wasn't the only one to do that. We sent kids to other orphanages to collect information as well. I just happened to end up at the one you were at."
"Why was mine the only one that was burnt down?"
Jay-yeon sighs. "They had information about Expiration Dates, how we know them. We had to make sure no one could retrieve that information. And Kirk and Lilyana"—our directors—"ended up being an example."
"They burnt to death."
"I didn't know that was what was going to happen." We knew they were going to die that day but didn't know how. Since they shared an Expiration Date, they made us keep a distance from them. They didn't want to risk us getting hurt.
"If you were worried about the information getting out, why weren't the rest of us locked up?"
"I knew Kirk and Lilyana hadn't shared the information, and if they had, no one would believe you without proof."
"The proof that burned up." Along with Kirk and Lilyana's lives.
He inclines his head. After a pause he asks, "Do you think L figured out before tonight who I was? The Society hasn't released a picture of me before, so that I could go undercover. And it's not like we've had time to take photos for the press release."
I rest my chin on my knees. "Why are you talking to me?"
"You looked as if you needed company."
"Of all your cousins, I like you the least. And that's saying something when I like Colton better than you."
"Colton does have his charming moments."
"Go away."
"You need allies when we get back to the Society."
"And you're offering?"
"I don't know what I'm offering."
"Well, I don't exactly believe that someone who spent their free time bullying me is suddenly going to help me."
"I trained you."
"You bullied me. You knew I was going to die young and that I wouldn't really get a chance to put anything you taught me to use. You were only training me for your amusement."
"You fought the Veil Colton sent for Erik. Defended the two of you and Vienna from Y and Eun-seob. Don't I deserve some credit?"
"I fought them. I was already good with a gun before you came along."
The wind is strong enough that I can hear it whistle as it travels through the rain.
Jay-yeon's chair creaks as he stands, and he at last leaves me alone.
Choosing the winner for the reviews was even harder than choosing the one for the descriptions. I had to bring in another person to help me decide. You all are amazing, and I can't thank you enough for all your loving and encouraging entries. I felt like I was in a dream reading them.
So the winner of the reviews is...
We often think that knowing when we would die would be a blessing, making our lives carefree and easier. However, Expiration Date shows the reality of this situation, and I love it! Reading this fantastic book has made me feel happiness, sadness, anger, and joy, all in one book, and I do not regret any of it! I have stayed up late at night for hours reading about the confusion of the 'love triangle' between Erik, Jonas and Iris, and the hate of the society along with both the joy and despair of friendship and family. This book is honestly one of the best I've read. The best books torture you with feelings and leave you astounded and fascinated, and it's amazing! Please don't ever stop writing - I've been sucked into this fandom now, never to leave, and I'm loving every second!
Wow. Thank you! I can't believe my book made you feel that way. I'm sorry for any lack of sleep this story has caused you. But at the same time, I'm glad you wanted to stay up late reading it.

Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)
Science FictionNow a digital pilot for SYFY The Society knows when we're going to die. They imprint it on our arms at birth. I was supposed to die yesterday. I'm the girl who's Expired. Winner of the 2020 Readers Choice Awards Cover by @Forcade