Exported is Out on Wattpad

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Guys! It's here! Exported! I hope you'll check it out. I'm really excited for it. Remember, it's in its own book this time. The cover is green and looks like this.

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And don't forget the giveaway for a copy of Once Upon Now that I'm going to write a message in to you if you win it! The link is in the external link for those on the web version, on my wall, and on my Twitter (@MikaelaBender). 

Here is the beginning of Exported. You can find the rest of chapter one in Exported's own book, and now I'm going to get back to editing Expiration Date and then Expired, so that it can have it's own book on Wattpad too!


I'm dying.

Six months and it's still the same. The pain hasn't gotten any better. I still ache. I still hurt. I should be over this. Her. Us. But I'm not.

Even I'm fed up with how melodramatic I'm being.

I mean, this is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. There is a reason why ridiculous comes from ridicule.

And maybe I could have gotten over her if it hadn't been for that. That newspaper.

A picture of Vienna, hidden behind Abella, the princess of France, lies on the desk. Not my desk though. No, I'm not in my office. That'd be nice. More private. I wouldn't have to worry about nine cousins, a brother and a sister, an annoying girlfriend of my brother, my mother, and my father bursting in and seeing this picture. We, no, not we, my mother and father decided— Jonas didn't come up with it but agreed to it—thought it would be a good idea for the Order to take a vacation. A two-week long one in Oregon.

"So let the country burn?" I asked when I was told about this.

But Jonas had already figured it out. Our parents made him be the one to figure it out. He's letting the old Order be in charge while we're gone, minus of course my father. The house we rented is nice. Nothing like the Estate though.

This trip is how I found the newspaper. Back home someone would have made sure it didn't cross my eyes. But walking on an unknown street, in an unknown town, censorship proves harder to enact, and one finds newspapers which hold very interesting information.

That's exactly what happened.

Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now