The storm will be here soon. The clouds darken over the scene of the crash, a warning to quickly find whatever clues Erik left behind.
A Veil approaches us as we walk from my parked car. I can't recall his name, but I've seen him speaking with my brother a few times in the past. He bows to us, and when he rises, I catch his name embroidered on his uniform. Rollo.
"Beta. Zeta. The Preeminence was here only a few hours ago. I'm afraid you've missed him."
"We know," I drawl. "He sent us to search the area."
"Oh." He manages to straighten his already stretched back. "Yes, of course. So far there's been no trace of them in the town. I'm sure with your help something will be discovered soon." Rollo is clearly nervous—as he should be. But asinine flattery is useful to no one.
"Is there a bus station in the town?" Seong-ho asks.
"It's located inside of a restaurant, but when we checked, there was nothing to be found. There is no trace of them."
Seong-ho brushes out the sleeve of his jacket, not looking at the Veil. "Security cameras?"
The Veil's brown eyes flick between us. "Regrettably, this town is . . . stuck in the past. There are no security cameras at the bus stop. The few that are to be found in the town have been searched."
A place Erik can be invisible in? A dream scenario for him. My cousin chose well. And that's exactly it. He chose this. All of it. I don't believe Erik didn't plan every single piece of this opera.
"Have any buses left today?" I ask.
"One. Mr. Salvatore himself checked it. I'm afraid they weren't on it, Beta." Sweat beads on his forehead. It's almost humorous how terrified he is to tell us bad news. "I assume, the Preeminence told you of the note the Tresais left."
No, but please do tell. "He briefly mentioned it but said someone could fill us in when we arrived."
At this, Rollo looks deeply uncomfortable, his mouth turning down in a frown and his weight shifting between his legs. "The Tresais pushed his car over the edge with the girl inside."
Even though my face doesn't show it, his news surprises me, and I'm not sure what to think of it—how to process it. Whether or not to believe it. I know Erik is prone to drastic measures. I know he's killed. He claims he killed Molly. Why would Erik take the blame for the death of the girl he loved if he didn't do it? That's the question we asked ourselves time and time again—when Erik told us he did it, when he didn't come home, when we had to move to our estate in West Virginia so he would.
"How did the Preeminence look after he read the letter?" I ask.
"I don't think it's my place to make assumptions about the Preeminence. I wouldn't want to presume anything."
"Tell me."
"He . . . he seemed shaken, Beta."
Quick and sudden, a burst of sadness for my brother whisks through me. But like it came, it's gone in the same manner.
I nod to Seong-ho and say to the Veil, "We will let you know if we discover anything."
Seong-ho and I return to my car. Once the doors are shut, he asks, "Do you think he actually killed her?"

Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)
Science FictionNow a digital pilot for SYFY The Society knows when we're going to die. They imprint it on our arms at birth. I was supposed to die yesterday. I'm the girl who's Expired. Winner of the 2020 Readers Choice Awards Cover by @Forcade