Jonas guides me through two forming rings of dancers to the center of them. A quick glance proves the room is watching us.
"Think you can handle the spotlight?"
"Hopefully my dance lessons paid off."
He slides his hand around my waist. "I hope so too."
I place my hand on his shoulder, feeling the curve of each muscle and bone. We join our hands, and he tugs me against him, my facing warming. He stares down at me, and for this moment, it's just us standing in the stars.
The music begins, like a wave of spring, swaying forward and back. Jonas and I take the first step, falling into a gentle rhythm as we glide around our own circle. He lets go of my hand to place it at my waist, and he lifts me in the air. Dresses tumble through the sky, and he brings me back to earth. I wrap my arms around his neck.
"You're quite the partner," he says.
"So are you."
"You flatter me, love."
My stomach flutters. "I should never have told you I liked that."
"On the contrary, I quite appreciate it."
I take his hand again, and he moves his other hand higher up my back. My arm rests against his.
"Some of my Order arrived back from Germany today. I'll have to introduce you to them at some point tonight."
"You really don't have to do that."
"I'm sure they'll want to meet you."
"When do the rest get here?"
"Tomorrow. Maybe it's silly, but I've missed them. They're my closest friends."
I brush my thumb over his shoulder. "It's not silly at all."
The music whirls as the stars swirl around our feet. I can almost imagine the music comes from them.
He tilts me back slightly in a curve. "Are you happy?"
"I'm very happy right now."
"I mean, being here. I have this fear I'll wake up one morning and you'll be gone." He spins me under his arm, and we fall back against each other, perfectly in time. The truth is, I am actually happy here. I never thought I could be—not at the Society, but when Jonas is around, I feel for once in my life not only completely normal but entirely unique as well. All at the same time. He's someone who understands what it means to know you're going to die so young. He looks at me like I'm . . . perfect. That I'm not flawed because of a date. So yes, I am happy here but only because of him.
He opens one arm, and I spin outward.
"Yes, Jonas." I take both of his hands, and we turn in a circle. "I am."
He tugs me closer, and as the song draws to an end we stop, my hands on his arms. His cup my face. Our chests visibly rise and fall as we catch our breaths.
"I want to kiss you again, but maybe it's too soon to do so in front of everyone."
I know he's right, but I still feel that need to press my lips to his again, that desire to pull him closer.
"That dress is absolutely stunning on you."
I look down, knowing I need to let go of his gaze if I'm going to keep myself from kissing him. "You have excellent taste in dresses."
He laughs. "While I would love to accept your compliment on this dress, I'm afraid I can't. When I went to make sure you'd have one for tonight, I was told a dress had already been requested for you. I assumed Erik had beaten me to it."
A bitter chill spreads up my arms. "Erik would have mentioned it." Someone wanted me in this dress but didn't bother telling me who they are.
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Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)
Science FictionNow a digital pilot for SYFY The Society knows when we're going to die. They imprint it on our arms at birth. I was supposed to die yesterday. I'm the girl who's Expired. Winner of the 2020 Readers Choice Awards Cover by @Forcade