I sit on the edge of Colton's tub while he showers on the other side of the wall I rest my head and shoulder against.
"August is really going with her?"
I've been telling him about the arrangements I've made for Arrietty, her family, and now my Delta for when they leave tomorrow. "Yes."
"Erik won't be happy about that."
"The whole point is that Erik doesn't find her. If he knows to be unhappy about it, we've failed. Besides their breakup was amicable, wasn't it? And years ago." The mirror starts to fog, and I slouch more into the wall. "How are the Rosens handling Vienna's . . . that whole situation?"
Even through the running water, I hear Colton sigh. "They're distraught but offering whatever help they can."
"And nothing's been found to connect them to the rebels?"
"No." The water shuts off. "Towel?"
I grab the folded towel beside me and hold it in front of the shower door.
"Have you spoken to Brydan yet?" He takes the towel.
"He tried, but I couldn't do it."
Colton steps out of the shower, the gray towel wrapped around his waist. "If you can sit in here after the past few weeks and still have a conversation with me while I'm showering, why can't you speak to him?"
"Necessity dictates I get along with my Order."
"How fortunate for me." He twirls his hand with a flourish as he walks into his bedroom. It's true though. If Brydan was in the Order, I'd have to move past what he'd done. For the sake of the country.
I hear Colton open his dresser drawer. "Once Iris is gone," he says, "will it—"
An alarm interrupts him, sending me jumping to my feet, goosebumps racing down my spine. That alarm only has one meaning: rebels.
I enter Colton's bedroom, phone in hand, as he's pulling on his shirt. While I dial Iris, I head toward his wardrobe and open its doors. I shove my hand through his jackets searching for the button until I feel the square in the wood and press down.
The back panel of the wardrobe slides away as my call is sent to voicemail. I curse.
Before Colton steps into the wardrobe, he hands me a gun.
"Go. Make sure everyone gets to safety." I slip my phone into my pocket to check the gun. Only a few bedrooms in the Society have passages that lead down into the safe rooms. Mainly the rooms of former and current Order members.
"What about you?"
Iris has never experienced one of these attacks, and she's not high on our family's must-save list. "If I follow you, I'll be hard pressed to get away from the Veil."
"Should I come with you?"
"Someone has to be down there to lead." I jerk my head toward the door. "Go."
He takes a step down the staircase. "Do you think it's Erik?"
"That's my fear." I shut the wardrobe doors, pulling out my phone to scan the list of those who are checked into a safe room. Iris's name isn't listed.
Don't panic. Not yet. If I do, I fail not only her but me as well. Where would she be if she's not already following someone down to a safe room?
Her own room would be the obvious place.

Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)
Ciencia FicciónNow a digital pilot for SYFY The Society knows when we're going to die. They imprint it on our arms at birth. I was supposed to die yesterday. I'm the girl who's Expired. Winner of the 2020 Readers Choice Awards Cover by @Forcade