I just saw that Expiration Date is #326 in Science Fiction. I am blown away. Thank you guys for all your support. <3
Eli is royally trashed.
He's taking shots off the railing of the patio while Tobias and August watch, chuckling each time one of them pours another shot for Eli.
There are only seven of us here tonight. When it was planned, all twelve of us were supposed to be here. With me initiated today, the Order is complete. Tonight is supposed to be our chance to celebrate. Just us. But just us is now a lot less than just us.
The lights from the Estate shine across the other side of the lake. The patio we're on reaches out into the lake. Erik, next to me, stares down at the dark water, his cup resting between his hands on the stone railing. I lean against one of the columns next to him. He isn't drunk, but he hasn't shooed away any drink I hand him either. The lights hanging overhead reflect off my own drink.
"You know, when we were young, we both used to look forward to this day."
He takes a lazy sip. "You mean, the day we could both get drunk together?"
I roll my eyes. "We've been doing that for years."
For only a second, a smile tugs at his lips.
"There was a time you wanted to be Tresais. I know you remember."
"That was before Molly died."
"You're going to let a girl change everything?"
Another sip. "Yes."
On the other side of the patio, Riley and Jonas aren't drinking. They're looking at something on Riley's tablet in an intent manner, their eyebrows furrowed. Riley chews on his lip. Jonas should be helping me with Erik.
I move so I'm leaning next to said cousin. "Do you remember when we'd hide in the safe rooms and talk about what our Order would be like?"
"Percy always thought we'd get in trouble."
"But we never did."
"No." He shakes his head slowly. "We didn't get in trouble, did we? There was that one time though with your sister. What was it? Didn't she demand we let her join us or she'd raise hell?"
I remember that perfectly. "She was terrifying."
"She still is." Erik finishes off his drink. "She would have made a much better Tresais."
Yes, she would have. "She wasn't fated for it like you were." I signal Tobias to bring over the rum.
"Why do we let fate control our lives?"
"Because we can't control it." I take the handle of rum from Tobias and pour it in Erik's cup. Erik gives me a nod of appreciation.
Tobias squeezes Erik's shoulders. "It honestly is wonderful to have you back."
"If you're going to say honestly, be honest. We all know you'd prefer I was Enzo."
"Why do you say that, Erik?"
Erik finishes off his rum in one gulp and takes the handle from me, stumbling a bit. Tobias and I both grab hold of him, and Erik points his finger at Tobias.
"So you aren't at the bottom of the chain." He takes a swig of rum straight from the handle. "Eli, August, get over here."
Eli is currently slumped on the ground, but August comes over. Riley and Jonas spare a glance at us before returning to the damn tablet. Why am I the one doing all the work to keep Erik content, to make sure he stays, to make sure our Order doesn't fall apart before it has a chance to begin?
"Give me that." I motion to the bottle, and Erik passes it to me. I take a swig of it myself. When Erik finally ends up content, I won't be getting the credit for it. It's not my Order after all.
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Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)
Science FictionNow a digital pilot for SYFY The Society knows when we're going to die. They imprint it on our arms at birth. I was supposed to die yesterday. I'm the girl who's Expired. Winner of the 2020 Readers Choice Awards Cover by @Forcade