Dark Hours

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  The pale grey forces were mowed down with our firepower.I heard bullets from the buildings spray down upon us.The various freaks were in various stages of dismemberment,I ordered Tundra and Cherokee to find the people with the blades,Tank's too stay with the tank and I'm to cut behind the hostiles, cut a path to the tank.
   I walked out onto the blood red snow, corpses gathered around in groups. The trickling of blood as natural as the snow,I saw the soldiers standing there.Samurai's diminutive stature was bizarre when seeing the piled bodies,next to him.
  The timid man informed us "Ninja got badly hurt,they grabbed him and tear his clothes,cut and bit him.Savage,cold and arm grabbed."I pointed into the tank and told Buffalo to take Savage in,I'll take Ninja.Tundra was to guard Samurai and Dawn as they back into the tank.
    Another garbled transmission,I told that he's to mark the battle.Tank and I are to get cots,Samurai's supposed to be the doctor, Tundra and Tank are to use the surviving turrets. I'm tasked with guarding the bay.
   Walrus asked "where's the others?Aren't you supposed to help keep us save on missions?"His overweight body,folded in upon itself.I gaze at his face"A few are with Lock,there's us,Bull has unknown, Redwood and Pine are still alive,at least according to our data. We've found the ambassador,all is well with him."
  He began crying and more static came through.Salvos of fire cascaded upon our tank,searchlights off to conserve energy.the heat was turned up to maximum,I stared  at the steel ground, one of many I've seen and heard incessant scratching at the door.
  Growling,scratching,the cameras outside destroyed.Footsteps,climbing,metal creaking and Tundra's scream echoed into the night.Gunfire pierced the still night.Something banging against the ceiling of the tank.A low guttural scream echoing throughout the area,gurgling began.I ordered everyone within the interior of the tank to  move the wounded into the cockpit.Samurai,Dawn,Buffalo,and I are too protect the tank.
        A silenced wet squish due to the bay door opening.I fired my shotgun at the abominations as Buffalo shot them with his elephant gun.Samurai and Dawn charged forward,hacking the hostiles apart.Tank's voice"Oh my God! Tundra's hurt real bad, a mess of blood."The deceased from earlier,lightly covered with snow were toppled by the fresher corpses.
      I ordered Tank to take Tundra down here, place him with the wounded and assist us.The scrawny injured man,bleeding from everywhere was like a son to me.Buffalo grunted wearily and I heard radio static.A few short clicks" ----....----....----"Tank's Browning machine gun's barrel,smoking upon the ground as he went to investigate the clicks.
   I heard an anguished scream,light gunfire and a heavily accented voice.Running out of the tank, I saw the black corpses, frozen to the ground yet mutilated beyond repair.Staring at the buildings,I saw the head and shoulders of Redwood.
  His tanned flesh cut and torn open,a subtle purple color on his nose appearing to have blood everywhere.He lifted a hostile into the air, snapping the freak's neck.The head exploded in his grasp.Tank's voice echoed "It's okay, friendlies! Don't shoot."
      I saw the three of them;Tank,Redwood and Pine, along with another.The fourth man had a large gash across his arm,the cut on his forehead was beet red.Pine's assault rifle was slung across his back and he nodded his head towards the shadows and muttering.His gentle voice seemingly disturbed as if he saw something that he shouldn't've.
  Another burst of radio static with no known words,I told the soldiers to follow Tank, who'll take them to the tank and provide medical assistance.The black skies beginning to lighten,I stood guard.

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