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A few hours passed since the sunset, I woke up the others.I instructed them to grab their parachutes and prepare to land.Gator,Gazelle and Assassin are to be in one boat,Grizzly,Kodiak,Polar in another boat.
  Toad and I jumped from the plane as we flew over the dirt road.A group of splashes from the boats landing as a radio message"Gator hit the fan,boats got turned off by something.Assassin fell off  the boat, before the electricity hit.Our propeller's broken with a bamboo log.We're sitting ducks,a dozen meters ahead the rest of the party.Too scared to get him out the water.My arm's broken."
   I nodded at Toad, telling him to go tend the wounded.Mage came in"Bull, we require a status report of the operation."My reply"Mage, three of us are wounded.Their sitting ducks, Two others are alone."My eyes darted back and force,to and from the jungle.
  A staticy message from Silverback "Sir, Gorilla's leg got caught in a snare,his leg's all cut up,still stuck in it.He's hurt real bad."I jumped onto the fence,began climbing it as I respond"Stay with him, stabilize him, Lone Wolf try to lead our men to a safer position to hunker down for the night."
   My combat boots were  stained with blood of men long gone, dirty and muddy from a few decades ago,as they were scraped against the barbed wire fence.I shot the single guard with my derringer, right in the throat.Leaping down I landed,rolling and get up.
 I begin running towards the center most building as my leather jacket gives me cover from search lights.The red soil beneath my feet slick with rain.Gnn-gnnneer-eerr  the sound of motors starting,buying me time.
  Running up to a building with a bamboo  door, a few steel frameposts holding up the small hut's weight.I toss a smoke grenade into the window as I open the hatch.Climbing through the window I shot a hostile breaking his jaw.
 A few other men with assault rifles and machetes run up to me after the smoke settled.One tackles me,stabs me in the arm with his machete and places his gun into my face.I elbow him in the stomach,getting him off of me,quickly realizing that my strength was less than the combined strength of the group.I hear a distant firefight and a loud whir whir ,buzzz buzzzzzzz .
I feel a bullet hit me in the back, then a few more.indistinct radio chatter as I fall to the mud.Pulling out my bowie knife I stab the nearest hostile in the leg,dragging him down to bring me up.
  I shout into my radio "Ivory,Elephant come here!Rhino blow the gate open.NOW!!!"A swarm of foe come over to me and I fire my assault rifle into them.The crowd dispersed yet one bold person comes up and hit me with a club.

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