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      I told Lock to run towards the building and enter.I followed him and began to running.The blizzard began and the cold snow began to hit my skin.We entered a building on the outskirts and I called Mage"How long is this storm?All Delta division troops meet in the western most building."I kicked the door, and told Lock to search the building for cots, any survivors.A man stood up from behind a desk, he took out a Ruger .308 and aimed it at my chest.
  I growled at him and  said "Are you Ambassador Haviellande?What happened to your protection services?"He stared me, dead in the eyes"Who are you?It depends on the another of that." Lock came up with a cot and said"Sir could you help me with these?How much men are we expecting?"
    I responded with"Sir,I'm  a member of the United States Special Forces,codenamed Scar. " I went to comm in for my men."How many are we expecting?"Yet the comm didn't come in,I told the ambassador to help Lock with the cots.Then went to the door,after hearing knocking on it.I let Tank,White Knight,Spaz,Tiger,TrickShot,Freegunner and Peregrine into the room.
   Spaz looked at me and said "Yo dawg it's so ice out there!"I told him and Tiger the red head and Tank to go help with getting cots.White Knight's usually baritone voice now sounding feeble said"Where's my brother?Sir, we're scared badly, what's the status of you guys?"I stared into his light blue eyes and said"Lock's traumatized, we've found the ambassador, seems to be apprehensive."
    I closed the door,placing the chair from the desk against it.The loud drop of a cot shattered the silence,and I knew that Spaz was having a seizure if not one of his twitching fits.We all knew he had ADHD,but he's like a kid brother to my men.I heard Lock arguing with the erratic Tiger,about whether or not they should sneak into the building's armory. 
    I pumped my shotgun and saw the purple wounds of the three injured guys.I told White Knight to ask them what happened 'causing them to be wounded.I rushed down the cement stairs, and told Lock and Tiger to shut up.
  Tiger muttered under his breath"Why do you got to be such a drain?" I nodded at Tank telling him to bring this cot up,then help me enter the armory.He nodded in approval.I then ran up the stairs,opened the door,leaving to help Tank search for the rest of our team.
  Tank then came and hopped in his tank.We drove out, in the pitch black,still as glass night.Searching for any survivors,the searchlights illuminated the fifteen or twenty feet ahead.I told Tank "Follow the flames,fire upon any buildings spare the easternmost."He nodded and we shot the fifty caliber turret at one of the buildings.
  The turrets began firing at us ,I manned the 150 millimetre turret.The tank's hull was being mauled and ravaged by rounds.In the corner of my eye I spotted some of the freaks being shot down by a bushmaster rifle.The light footsteps lurched closer,a pale grey freak fell upon the ground deceased.I gestured my hand as a peace signal for the soldier.
   The soldier lay down delicately and began inching forward us.I knew which one the man is.Tundra, one of our division's survivalists.I shouted in my gruff voice "WHERE'S WALRUS AND SAVAGE?!"His cold,calculating voice stated like a matter of fact "We got into an argument, walrus went to help Bull, I don't know where savage is.He's been missing in action the whole battle sir!"
   I felt an impact, within my chest which sent me back,scraping against the hole in the tank.Tank flickered the search lights on and off.Signalling towards anyone with a mind that their are reinforcements.
 I felt a rekindling of hope, until I heard a crunch beneath the tank's treads.The snow;severely discolored, pink in some places,red in others, black in still others and grey in a few places.Tundra entered the tank,I closed the hatch.Sealing us away from others.Tank told us "This here tank is immobilized,someone needs to remove the bone from the tread.Before we get killed,someone needs to do this. Cover me,we need to stay out all night checking for survivors."
    Tank exited,I heard gunfire and a static filled transmission."---Buff---Buffalo--here--"The garbled mess relieved yet worried me.I made a recording to Mage "Buffalo's location?Where is he?"It didn't send, because of the signal.Tank hopped back in after repairing his tank.


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