New Day

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   Tank radioed forward "Sir, the men far away is Head Hunter and Eagle.Should we rescue them?"I darted back"Yes, go meet them,get them into Sour Rain, Explosion's to stay here as I born this building down."
   I applied the bayonet to my shotgun,Explosion walked on over and I radioed him"Place some C-4 upon that wall,set it for 5,hide and after the explosion fire upon any who come out."I walked deeper into the labyrinth and then I noticed it got brighter gradually.Another miserable wail and I fired upon the hostiles,one being shot off the spiral of steel acting as an indoor guardpost.
   A massive explosion ignited roaring flames,I glanced into the middle of the chamber. There was a large group of sickly grey freaks tightly packed into a circle,I shot a pipe causing a noxious gas to spread,rapidly putting my gas mask on I stare into the teeming pool of natural atrocities,scientists and Russian soldiers.
   Buffalo's garbled message came"Stuck,I'm trapped in a net, cut me out please!!!"I bent the guardrail and charged into a group,firing my shotgun.I saw a silhouette behind the flames,a singular bullet discharged causing a red haze.
  I ordered Pine to cut Buffalo out then come enter the building.A Russian soldier ordered a nearby horde to charge me,I grabbed one of the other soldiers, snapped his neck and tossed him over the edge.Blades and nails scratched me and I saw my blade run through one of them,I fired my shotgun dismembering him and causing a thick red haze to happen.
    "We need to get to the center of the building,maintain a perimeter around whatever their attacking.Someone block the opposite fire escape and take out any hostiles escaping that way.Any who surrender shall be permitted to survive."My wounds began catching up to me,I couldn't tell whose blood was whose on me.The herd in the middle was thinned out a little.
   Tank's voice came on the intercom "Their picked up,next order of business?Wounded have been dropped off with Lock."In the corner of my eye I saw Buffalo on the other side of the walk.A few hostiles thrown around, shooting any unfamiliar faces as I limped towards a first aid kit.
      I tended my injuries,Buffalo charged himself towards me.He placed his main firearm over his shoulder,had an Uzi in one hand and his machete in the other, vanquishing any forces in his way as if he were a steamroller.I closed my eyes,patiently awaiting for Buffalo to provide cover.He rushed over here,asking "Sooo,what do you want us to do?"I told him"I'll provide cover fire,you and Pine rescue the man in the middle."Pine climbed in through a window.laying suppressing fire at the hostiles, many of whom surrendered as they witnessed the deaths of most of their troops.
   Buffalo ran down the stairs,his communique "The man is Acid, his juggernaut suit's badly damaged,his face and arm are cut and shot up.Oh my god! I see his bone,its cracked, I think his jaw's broken,his chest plate's torn open,its his stomach, I think I'm gonna be sick!-"he begins retching and the message ends.
   I walk down the stairs,my shotgun being used as a crutch.Explosion walks around the building,I order the two in the building to interrogate the survivors.I order Tank to continue searching for survivors of our team.


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