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     The three of us decided to head towards where we believed the transmission to be coming from. We've all seen better days and it shows.Tank's pale white flesh appalling,Tundra's unkempt black hair and a nauseous look.
         The stone cold gaze of Tank is a reminder of better days.another static burst  "with Cheroo- kee--" A streak of static,fading occurred in the end of the message.I walked back to the loader of the tank,where soldiers besides the crew would be contained.The various firearms and battle equipment were next to individual chairs, of the man who was most likely to use it.I paced towards a map of the area,and began to plot the specifics of the battle thus far.
    More radio static came,the voice indistinguishable through the contorted audio.I nodded my head towards Tank instructing him to continue.The silence pierced once more, this time by blood curdling cries indistinguishable between beast and man.Heavy footsteps, echoing from the left flank came.
  I gestured for Tundra to go check out what the footsteps were from.Tank gazed in awestruck horror as he said"Our gas is low,We'll make it halfway to Lock then we'll run out.Gonna be sitting ducks out there, could you check our supplies?We need more rounds, I'll stand guard for Tundra,but what in the devil's name's making that godforsaken sound?"
  I nodded and went back to the main exit to the tank,scouring for any rounds that'll be beneficial for us immediately.The bright room had numerous rounds,a few collapsible cots.I made a mark upon the map,showing our current location.Their were a few gas tanks.Buffalo's voice boomed "Cherokee's hurt,shot with a fifty caliber right in the stomach,Walrus's knee is shattered.Permission to enter?We're cold as ice.Please help us-" 
  I interjected"Permission granted, Tundra,let them in!"The footsteps began,the gate of the tank opened,shedding in a cold gasp of air, a snow flurry.They entered quickly,I ordered Tundra and Buffalo to set cots up for them.Gazing at Cherokee's discolored fingertips, I told Tundra to get blankets for him.
  I closed the bay door,and heard what sounded like hail and explosions.Tank's voice echoed "All men prepared, we're taking a salvo of hostile fire!"We got to battle positions.Tundra muttered "My turret's down,anyone heard from the rest of us"Our movement was ground to a halt.
    I slid into the tank,locking the turret latch,I ordered all hands to move to the rear and Buffalo said"I saw Redwood and Pine shortly before I found Walrus, who was in bad shape.Lord knows whats gonna happen to us."Another radio transmission.Explosion's voice"I'malone--...Pyromaniac's hostage--last...I knew-"the transmission ended,critically garbled.
   Cherokee began muttering,something I couldn't understand.Tundra's lightly tanned face nodded at me,and I heard footsteps, a bunch of dragging,scraping and groaning.Blades unsheathed and a battle ensued.I opened the bay's door.The four of us shot into the frenzy outside,oblivious to the condition of any allies outside.

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