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  This is Scar, leader of Delta Division consisting of thirty five active members.Reporting to Mage, over Delta Division's latest excursion code-named"Operation Dark Lord"alongside with Charlie Division under the jurisdiction of Bull.
  Our objectives were quite simple;rescue a few hostages from France, destroy all the buildings within the facility perimeters,search for any incriminating evidence, rescue any of the missing Chinese Freedom Liberators also known as the CFL,a group of Chinese youths aged 16-19 actively and peacefully protesting against the dictatorship of Xi Jinping the President of the Republic of China.Do this with minimal fatalities, damages done to any of the helicopters code-named "Ghost Rider""Ghost Rider Two" and "Pure Crusade" the latter being operated by Charlie Division,minimal damage to the tank code-named "Sour Rain."
 However when helicopters, Pure Crusade and Ghost Rider two were shot down by hostile forces, things began to fall apart.Two thirds of one of the objectives was failed by nightfall.We landed,began searching for survivors of the two accidents.We did this whilst within Sour Rain,we found a building and used it as our division's Base of Operations,also known as Head Quarters[HQ]we used this building also as barracks.I immediately ordered the men with me to search for cots and bring them up to set up as beds for my soldiers. Radio chatter was moderate,various soldiers bringing up their groups, wounds et cetera.
     Charlie Division used another building for their main building, I along with one of the officers decided to search for the missing in action soldiers represented by MIA. In our headquarters we found one of our target individuals the ambassador.Resistance was strong the entire night,Sour Rain was critically damaged however when the conflict lulled we repaired the tank the best we can.Already two objectives failed,one success.
   As the night's hours dwindled,we began being able to compile better estimations as to where the remaining MIAs were,yet due to strong winds and terrible snowstorms we didn't have too much capacity.By now maybe one of the buildings was destroyed, we found a guard of the ambassador as with one sole survivor of the CFL.
   As the battle raged, the night progressing it became  clear that the battle was uphill.When the dawn occurred I led a few men from the tank to enter a building, radio communications still were spotty,a lot of garbled messages, arriving late.
  Our conquest began,many of our men were wounded in action also known as WIA. There was a thick horde of hostile forces in this building, we fought our way through most of them of course.I noticed they were gathered around something.So I ordered the other soldiers to fire into the crowd, thinning it  a little.This allowed me a better visibility,I then ordered for one man to go down,fight their way to the center where the concentration was thickest.
  The hostiles who attempted to escape were killed either by firepower,blades,strength or a literal inferno caused by an explosion I ordered to be caused.The man on the ground floor informed me via shouting "It's a human,there" so we made haste to neutralize the threats.
  Many were slaughtered, those left surrendered by which  I  allowed them to survive, I ordered my men to begin searching for supplies or incriminating evidence.Of which we found some paper copies of orders to kill our divisions and families, a rudimentary system yet having accurate images eerily exact and correct.
 The man in the center turned out to be a man from Charlie division, the day was here, so we got overwhelmed by radio messages.This man was critically wounded, I decided to take his life for it would be years f not decades before the man could go back to living normally.The leader of Charlie division as with another member came and assisted us, by now our emergency evacuation was within five minutes of being on site.
   We decided to show the Charlie division leader the images, give him our data.His reaction was severe indeed as it was personal,well some of the images were at least. This endangered his loved ones.Afterwards he gave his man the mercy he deserved in life, which was obtained after telling me about the man's designated parachuting partner.
  The fate of the partner was gruesome, decapitation after a hot,heavy free fall.Being shot and cut and torn apart it was a rather disturbing way to die.We evacuated with the mission being a failure.
The only good thing that has came out of this mission is a suspicion that an MIA member of Delta division is still alive.The leader of Charlie division confirmed our worst fears.Every photograph he was in, had different members of his unit.One was in black and white[he was younger in that image],one preliminary had deceased members besides he, and his second in command.Another had the group at its weakest[only one experienced member that being him]
  Scar to Mage, please delete these mission reports as soon as you can, right after you check this.Thank you for this,I sincerely retire from this career. Shred the paper copies if you kindly will.The entire organization is under risk of losing their operatives. 

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