Blood Bath

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 After swimming for a while, parallel to the cave and slowing my breathing to appear as if I drowned I escape from the caverns.A small meadow laying before my eyes,forest behind it.A pond next to a bunch of crates,bodies scattered around and the faint moaning in agony of mortal wounds.
 I run towards some crates seeing a familiar body, the face bloodied from a broken nose, black eye swollen shut.A broken,cut arm mangled hanging at his side;a snare around his foot as his mangled leg as he's coughing badly.
  Grabbing an assault rifle off a corpse I trot towards the crates.As I reach the crates, I scout the area for any threats at the moment.A few scopes peeking from out the forest,from various bamboo trees.A few yards from me is Gorilla.His extremities cut, foot stuck in a trap.
His radio had a little chatter;Lone Wolf's voice "Take their deceased over to the road and burn them.The fire will block the road,charred corpses and smoke intimidating them.Take the surrendered into the center building to interrogate. Treat our injured in the building next to it.Anyone have communications from the others yet?"
  Gorilla's bloodied face lay against the wooden crates as I tell him"I'll take your radio, fire at the scopes.I'll  enter the woods and take a few of them,just provide cover-fire for me."I take one of his radios,walking into the forest,firearm out and check to see anyone.
  A hundred yards away, a boy lay against a bamboo sprout.A round pierces him in the neck,killing him.His body covered in wounds from an earlier fight.A few bullets whiz by me, three striking me in the arm.
   I shoot one enemy  sending him into the ground.As he falls another quiet round hits a second hostile in the chest.My footsteps and the sound of guns being fired breaks the silence.I pass a dead man,numerous bullets in his chest and head.
   Another radio communique "Mage to Bull,sir there's a man requesting to speak to you, please advise what you wish to do.How's the status of your soldiers?"A loud scream shatters my ears,startling all the enemy spare one.
  Nodding, I'm satisfied that Panda's doing his job correctly.The enemy left alert takes a pistol and shoots one of his men in the back.His wild look as if someone took a serial killer and made him look like an arsonist.Bright red hair,showering down to his elbows.Black eyes like pieces of coal and a thin smirk on his face.
  I realize that he appears to be an older version of an ally who went missing a decade ago.His pale complexion chiseled like a Greek god.He shoots the man a few more times,ensuring his death.
"Bull to Mage, have him wait, my men I do not know the status of. Operation's now a yellow status.I have reason to believe that the leader of these forces is Fox,patch that info to Lone Wolf.Standby."
  I make the first move" Want to eat with my man and I?Please sit down, make yourself comfortable."Hoping to put the threat at ease."That won't be necessary,already had our meal,but I'm feeling a bit peckish."With each word his eerie face contorted, and he snarled at the end of the sentence.

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