Hunker Down

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  I walked to the tank, Buffalo covering my retreat.Pine shouted in his delicate voice "I...I-s-s-s- saw Ex-ex.-explosion with pyromaniac, the latter,unconscious bloodied and limp.Explosion's leg shattered, I th-think his impact..crippled him."
  The heavy flurry obscuring us from each other, you couldn't see three inches away from your body.I walked into the tank,closing the bay doors behind me, locking them.I glanced at the walls, told Tank and Redwood to get more cots, the stranger's bloody face,haggard from a lack of rest.I asked him "Who are you?Who do you work for?"His weary gaze,looked off the horizon as he said"My name's Sergeant Robert Giuemaune,a French guardsman for the Ambassador,who are you,dare I ask?"
    Redwood's husky voice said"I got shot up bad, killed the monster who did it."Samurai told me"One of the remaining turrets is broken,we're stuck should we try to seal the fuel tanks?"I nodded in approval and told he and Dawn to repair the damages, Redwood and Pine to guard them.Tank's to go to the cockpit and steer.The wounded to move back here.Buffalo to man the turret, I told Walrus to be the map and communications officer. 
  Peregrine was to be the guard for the tank, I responded with"Giuemaune,we're a special forces task force from the United States,I'm the leader of one of the contingents assigned to this operation.The ambassador's safe with some of my men.Please rest to try to recover."He nodded in approval,asking me"Who's the other group's leader?"He sat down in a chair,and I responded"Classified, you'll know who it is when you see him."The sergeant fell asleep,hunched in his chair.
   More radio static, Walrus tuned the radio to another station, a single utterance strung out"Gorilla here, with Silverback,we looted a building,found Explosion--"static and the voice ended.The tank rendered mobile again, the wind howling outside,balls of ice striking the exterior of the vessel.
  One of the turrets was repaired and Tank came back,telling me"We could make it back to Lock, search for survivors,drop off the wounded,continue with the operation."I nodded and told him"Do that,before leaving, tell the outsiders to come in via radio comms."
   The bay door opened, Dawn,Samurai,Redwood,Pine and Buffalo came in,I closed the door behind them.We drove towards where the night began,to Lock, Spaz,FreeGunner,White Knight and the others.The radio had another message " and Pyromaniac, -" another message interrupted "Mage to Sour Rain, the mission's objectives, have they been reached?"I responded"Unknown, the ambassador and one of his guards have been found,the guard injured yet The bay door opened, Dawn,Samurai,Redwood,Pine and Buffalo came in,I closed the door behind them.We drove towards where the night began,to Lock, Spaz,FreeGunner,White Knight and the others.The radio had another message " and Pyromaniac, -" another message interrupted "Mage to Sour Rain, the mission's objectives, have they been reached?"I responded"Unknown, the ambassador and one of his guards have been found,the guard injured yet stable.Dawn,Ninja,Redwood,Pine, Buffalo, Tank,  Savage,Cherokee,Walrus,Tundra,Trickshot,and Samurai are here with me. Going to drop of our wounded,the guard and provide a rescue for Charlie division as well as my remaining lost boys."
  A communique from White Knight came up "We found another person,a Chinese,emaciated young man, unarmed please advice."The whirring of the tank,a constant droning as we make haste in our retreat.I responded with "Get him a cot, speak to him, Send us a picture of him we'll work on the details of him."
   The harsh landscape around us, changing menially as we drive.Forty minutes pass, nothing out of the normal.Tank spoke into his radio "Explosion,Pyromaniac spotted fifteen meters ahead.My sights suggest someone one kilo out.I'm gonna work on radio contact with them.Until I get a response your orders?"I pump my shotgun and reply"Describe him to Walrus, Samurai, Dawn, Buffalo and I are to assist Explosion.Sweep the building ground  up."
     We left the tank,Explosion's ivory colored skin glistening from sweat.I motioned for Samurai and Dawn to go towards them, Buffalo to follow me.The fire escape riddled with bullets.We walk up the stairs.His machete sheathed until needed.
    "We need to get to the roof, see where our friends are,before they die."A message from Tiger"Guys,where are ya? Did ya freak out last night with booze and the best chemicals?"Toad's raspy voice came in"Where are you guys?I landed tangled up in a building.Please answer,where's Bull?"His tired voice straining from the energy required to talk sounded like he was dead as it was.
    I kick the door down,toss a flash-bang and a smoke grenade.Hearing scuffling on the ground  I hear a solitary scream,I walk further into the building, hesitant to turn around should the worst happen.The scouring noise of the sinister foe gets louder.I fire my shotgun a few times, neutralizing one of them.A loud explosion right behind me occurs.
   Pressing forward,I continue into the midst of whatever besets my progress.Stepping over the corpse, I move into the dark catacombs.Another scream emerges,different from the other in tone, pitch,length,voice of the creator of it.
   I fire upon the hostile forces,making haste to dispatch them.Scorpion's voice within a communique "Where am I?---"a moan  of confusion and I heard Pine radioing in "Should I come in?Buffalo's blocking my way."

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