Chapter 35-Jonathan

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Recently I had acquired an apartment that was only 20 minutes away from Martha and Paige, 5-10 minutes if I was rushing. I wanted a comfortable place to have Paige while Martha and I were sorting out our crap. It was a two bedroom apartment and had an open concept for the kitchen and living room with all modern appliances. When I told Martha I had gotten an apartment, she insisted on seeing it. Wanting to see where Paige would be sleeping. I made the point of fully decorating Paige's room to make my little girl more comfortable.

Martha chuckled seeing our daughter's reaction. Her big eyes went wider than ever. She was amazed that I was able to replicate her original bedroom. From the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling to the fairy lights above her head board. Martha even got a little teary eyed, though she would never admit it.

It was Sunday night, the last night before I took Paige to school and wouldn't see her till the following weekend. I spent an hour picking out three different pairs of pajamas for her to wear... and she rejected every single one of them. She finally showed some interest when I pulled out a matching Pixar set with the Monster's Inc characters on them.

I was getting the pajamas ready for her to put on but Paige had other ideas and decided she wasn't ready for bed and wanted to play some more. I began chasing her around the apartment.

I finally cornered Paige as she stood at the top corner of the couch against the wall, "Paige come on, it's bedtime."

"No, Kitty! I want to play!" She pouted.

I let out a breath of exhaustion and mumbled, "I'm sure you don't give your mother a hard time." I knew I wasn't home to tuck her in but I didn't think it would be this hard. Usually when we tell Paige to do something, she just does it. Lately, at least with me, she's been more of a handful.

My guard was down for a second too long and she took that as her chance to jump down from the couch and pass me. I chased her into the kitchen, around the island and back to the couch. When I caught up to her, I grabbed her waist, picking her up and playfully tossing her onto the couch as her giggles got louder.

"Nooooooo!" she said laughing.

"Yes. Now bedtime." I said stern enough that she knew playtime was over.

Martha had texted me Paige's bathroom routine, and anything I forgot Paige made sure to tell me. She had to brush her teeth, brush out her hair so it wouldn't be knotted in the morning, put on Pjs, and read a story. Washing up was optional depending on if she took a bath the night before or if she had stepped out of the apartment that day. We had an indoor day so thankfully I could check that off the list.

Laying her down and tucking her in, I made sure the fairy lights were on above her head. "There you go." I kissed the top of her forehead and absentmindedly pushed her hair back. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Daddy?" she asked so softly that if I wasn't right beside her, I would have never heard it.

"Yes princess."

"When are you coming home?" Months of being out of the house and I wasn't prepared for the one logical question my daughter may ask of me. When was I coming home? It was the question I was dreading, because it wasn't so simple.

"I-I don't know." I answered honestly, "That's something Mama and Daddy have to talk about."

Paige snuggled deeper into her blankets, closing her eyes. "I hope you come home soon. Mama looks sad."

"Me too," I said quietly so she wouldn't hear me, "Goodnight baby." I said as I closed the door behind me.

Throughout the night I couldn't help but think about what she said. How she's been seeing Martha sad. Maybe she missed me as much as I missed her.

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