Chapter 46-Martha

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I hope everyone had a good weekend and are enjoying themselves through this journey with Martha!💓


The feeling of family was finally here and it made me realize that even before I found out about the affair, we hadn't been a family in a really long time. When Paige was younger we were smiling all the time. Holding each other and having movie nights. Somewhere along the way we got lost. He got lost. He stopped coming home for dinner, claiming he was trying to get a promotion so he could give us more. Jonathan always said everything he did was to give us more of the life that we deserved and I believed him. I have no doubt in the beginning that declaration was true.  When did that narrative change? Was it the first time he kissed Jackie? Or was it even before her?

Slowly, I lifted my head from Jonathan's shoulder and looked him in his face. Being this close to him I smelled that peppermint and coffee scent he wore. When he wasn't home I would absorb that scent from his pillow just to be able to sleep at night. Now the bed was empty of the peppermint and coffee, empty of him and his presence that I was once content with. It had been almost four months and within that time, I had to find a new normal.

He turned his attention from Paige to me and I saw something in his eyes. There was desire and loneliness, soon I found them flickering to my lips. The slight movement of his head made me realize he was hesitating to lean forward. I had never been more grateful for it because it gave me time to clear my throat and exit the situation immediately.

"Um... let's try and finish up dinner, shall we." My lips went to Paige's cheek and I rubbed her back before lifting myself to my feet.

Making my way to the stove, I grabbed the pasta and drained the water out. In the time it took to have that conversation, that moment with them, dinner was almost done. Thank God nothing burned, I had made things go on a light simmer beforehand.

The sound of feet shuffling across the floor told me they started moving around and getting back to things. As I turned my face I saw Jonathan put Paige back into her seat at the table. He kissed her cheek before grabbing the bowl of red sauce and bringing it over to me. I gave him a grateful smile for helping me as I took the bowl from his hands. The exchange made us touch and I knew Jonathan felt it too. I wanted to make the exchange as quick as possible but Jonathan had other ideas. I felt his thumb gingerly rub against the back of my palm. There was something confusing that made my stomach twist. Instead of the comforting sensual feeling I'm sure he was going for, it actually felt pretty out of place. I avoided his stare completely as I felt his eyes burning a hole right through me.

"Um... could you set the table please?" Still avoiding his intense gaze as Jonathan nodded immediately.

He opened the cabinets to gather the plates and silverware. It really felt like the beginning of our marriage, him setting the table and getting Paige ready as I gathered the food. Sitting down at the little rectangle table reminded me of when Paige was little, Jonathan would sit at one end and I at the other with Paige in between us. That's what the image of us replicated right now. Jonathan smiled up at me, a glimmer of thankfulness in his eyes.

"Thank you for making this Martha." His tone was soft and captivating by any woman's standards.

"Yea thank you Mama!" Paige's voice was soft as she looked at the food in front of her. I could tell it was going to take time for her to get comfortable with us being apart. I guess I never explained things to her because I didn't want to make assumptions. It felt wrong lying to her and I didn't want to say anything until it felt like Jonathan was on the same page. At least about her well-being within the situation. I was just glad Jonathan's words helped her tonight.

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