Chapter 53-Martha

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What makes an awkward situation even more awkward? I'll tell you... silence. Sitting in silence with a third party staring, analyzing, waiting for you to speak. Well it gets more irritating by the second.

There was a clock hanging on the opposite wall and with every tick came another thick layer of tension.

"I have to say, I am a bit surprised that you wanted to schedule another session. Though I am glad to see the two of you trying to work this out." Dr. Salner said.

The involuntary scoff that left my mouth, caused Dr. Salner to direct his attention towards me. I gave him an awkward smile; I'm sure the words were written across my forehead.

"Do you feel differently, Martha?" That's an understatement

"If I'm being honest I don't really know why we're here." I felt Jonathan burning a hole on the side of my face. I haven't been able to bring myself to look in his direction. Instead I kept my body facing forward with all my attention on Dr. Salner.

"I see..." He nodded, "Jonathan, do you know why you're here?"

Through my peripherals I could tell he was fidgeting with his fingers with his eyes casted down, "I wanted your advice on a situation that occurred last week. I am not entirely proud of how I acted, I-I was just... desperate."

Dr. Salner started scribbling on his notepad as he asked us to explain the series of events. Jonathan began hitting all the major points. How he came for a family dinner. How we all cooked together. How we had a heart to heart with Paige. When he was getting to the end of the night he paused.

I turned to see why he had become so quiet and noticed he was back to fidgeting.

"Jonathan, then what happened?" Dr. Salner urged.

"I-I...She." He sighed in resignation.

Dr. Salner jumped in, "I can see this part is particularly difficult for you. Martha, do you think you can continue to explain?"

I sighed before finally opening my mouth and the pressure I was feeling earlier returned knowing Jonathan was staring. "After he put Paige to bed, he came down and I guess he wasn't ready to leave so he asked if he could join me during my night routine."

"Did you want him to?"

Did I?  "At first... no. I thought it would be awkward, though I agreed because I needed to speak with him."

"Please continue."

"Earlier he told you about our heart to heart with Paige. I wanted to ask him if what he said to her was true. If he truly believed what he said or was it just something to make her feel better."

Dr. Salner seemed to be very intrigued, "Why was it important whether or not it was just to spare Paige's feelings?"

I felt like a fish out of water as I opened and closed my mouth, "I-I gave him divorce papers."

"And because of that decision you also want to spare Paige from something like an ugly divorce?" He inquired.

"I mean, I believed it. We are still a family. He is still Paige's father and no one can take that from him. We are still his family." I heard Jonathan sigh after hearing that.

"Jonathan, what was going through your head when she gave you the divorce papers?"

"My mind was blank, I was just feeling a lot of pain. Pain from my decision that led us here. That caused Martha to... I guess I honestly believed this wouldn't be the end of us."

"That's a reasonable feeling to have, the need to hold on. Knowing the reality that once this divorce is finalized it would be the end of a long relationship, it's scary. It's going to take more than a few months to be able to fully move on Jonathan. Same goes for Martha, I doubt you made this decision lightly."

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