Chapter 10-Jonathan

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One's been exactly one month since she kicked me out.

"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system..."

Ending the call, I stood and walked to the other side of my office. It was spacious, enough room for a couch, desk, and three bookshelves. It looked like the typical offices on T.V, everything an auburn or dark brown color. Connected at the bottom of one of the bookshelves was a liquor compartment. I opened it immediately, fishing out a bottle of Brandy. It was a bottle I was saving for a special occasion, like when I got promoted. Though now I can't seem to give a damn.

As I poured myself a glass, I rolled out my neck feeling the pain of my sleeping conditions. So far I had been sleeping on the couch that was here. Though it looked like I should start calling it my new bed.

A light knock came on the door, it opened ever so slightly to reveal the one person I had been calculatingly avoiding for the past month, Jackie, with several file folders in her arms. I walked back to my desk and sat down with little to no acknowledgement of her presence. I refused to look at her as I sifted through the files on my desk while sipping my Brandy. The bundle of file folders that were in her arms appeared on the edge of my desk gaining my attention. Though only for a second.

"Hey", she paused. "It's a bit early for that, don't you think." I knew what she was doing.

Make light conversation, get my guard down and then go in for the kill of why I had been ignoring her. Always the same shit.

I pushed the files I was scanning to the side, placing my brandy in front of me. When I looked up, she was already waiting for me with a sultry stare. Jackie was the same age as Martha, but with silky black hair that goes past her shoulders, and wears pantsuits with a coat revealing a bit of cleavage. She always paired her dark outfits with bold red lipstick and mascara. When I first met her the word 'temptation' wasn't even a blip on my radar. Obviously, things changed.

"The day hasn't even started... rough morning."

"Rough month," I brought my drink to my lips, welcoming the alcohol. The numbing feeling it gave me put my guilt at rest. At work I couldn't have that driving me throughout the day, I needed to be focused. Though as more time went by with Martha not talking to me, the harder it became.

The silence filled the room longer than I hoped for knowing she was still here. Her attention wasn't on me, it was on the suitcases discreetly placed in the corner by the tall standing potted plant. I didn't need my boss knowing that I was sleeping in the office. Though the pillow and blanket folded on the couch were a dead give away to my sleeping arrangements. Her eyebrows were raised when our eyes met, "You left her" she failed at trying to hide her excitement but it was also mixed with surprise. "Oh my God, baby you actually did it! Why didn't you tell me?" Her happiness caused a tightness to appear in my chest.

"More like she kicked me out". I spoke bitterly.

"Well I guess that makes sense when you told her about me." She said matter of factly. Jackie spoke so sure and confident about the situation. It was pissing me off.

I groaned, "No, I came home and.....she couldn't even look at me. I mean the look on her face." Looking down at my desk, all I can picture is Martha in pain. She was so broken, with her yelling and cursing, I saw it all. I saw the pain that I imprinted on her heart. The confusion her face held as she tried to wrap around her mind how I could possibly betray her. The night that I confirmed it all, there were tears running down her face, mascara following. Her eyes never left mine as she constantly shook her head. Martha kept repeating the same sentence over and over again. Though it was more to herself by how low she spoke, "I don't understand.....I don't understand what's happening... Why is this happening?" For the past month that's all I hear in my sleep.

"Helloooo? Jonathan. What's wrong? Isn't this good news.", she leaned over the desk a little bit and softened her tone, "You can get a divorce and we can move on with our lives. You are about to make partner."

Taking a deep breath, I felt every emotion coursing through my body. Anger, confusion, and guilt were so overwhelming.

I just want to be alone.

"Baby come on, what is it?" Jackie's hand came up and caressed my face. I almost flinched but kept my composure. We don't do this... We don't comfort. The sensation was foreign but it was something I missed. I couldn't help but close my eyes and picture Martha. Picture how she played with my hair when we were in bed together, smiling up at me, telling me how much she missed me. "It's over now." Jackie's voice brought me out causing me to flinch slightly.

I really fooled myself... she isn't Martha.

"What's wr —"

"I need you to leave."

"What?! Why?!"

"Jackie, I can't do this right now!"

"Don't be stupid Jonathan, remember you weren't happy for a long time. Don't start getting cold feet just because a few tears were shed." Jackie walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

" It was more than a few." I whispered to myself.

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