Chapter 52-Jackie

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The office was busy with clerks running around and associates trying to move up in the ladder. I could see all of them stressing right through the comfort of my office. The walls in the front including the door were completely made of glass while I had a beautiful view behind me of the city. It wasn't as big as a partner's office like Jonathan's but it was better than being out in the bullpen with all those associates in those sufficating cubicles.

I wasn't just any paralegal, I was the youngest at the law firm with an impeccable record.

One of the many associates that work here came knocking on my office door, with an urgent look on her face. "Hey Jackie!"

"Hey Harriet, what can I do for you?" I said as I sat up to take in her appearance. She had dark brown hair that was chopped into a really stubby bob. Her pants suit was a bit frumpy and didn't compliment her shape. The bags under eyes due to all the late night hours she must have been putting in was evident.

Hasn't this girl ever heard of concealer?

"I was wondering if you would take a look at these files," I heard the desperation in her voice as she placed the files onto my desk, "there's some research that this case could use some help with. Ms. Bennett plans on going to the judge by the end of the week to ask for a mistrial. We believe there's precedence but..."

My eyes wandered to the glass walls, taking all my focus with them as her voice faded to the background.  Jonathan was passing by checking his watch as he sped in the direction of what I assumed was the elevator.

It's been a few months since Jonathan decided to end our relationship. He was harsh and the words he said to me hurt, but I saw him struggling. That wasn't him saying those things. Not the true part. The part of him that still loves his wife, the part that is riddled with guilt. That was what spat such hateful things.

He was never riddled with guilt when he was with me. He never looked at me afterwards and said this can't happen again only to fall victim to it the following time. No, he longed to be with me. He described me as a breath of fresh air and in one fell swoop the minute his wife finally finds out it's like it never happened. I'm not a woman who was going to go running to Human Resources and get the man in trouble. I'm not crazy. I was someone who knew the reality of the situation and was going to do anything in my power to get my happy ending. I deserved it.

"Umm Harriet will you excuse me?" I said as I stood leaving her in my office confused. Exiting and turning right I was able to see Jonathan turn the corner before vanishing from my sight. My pace was steady heading down the hallway, I didn't want to seem too eager to get to him.

When I saw him standing waiting for the elevator, I knew I had my shot. Fixing my shirt and pushing my hair behind my ear I strutted my way towards him.

"Hello Jonathan." I saw his body visibly tense as he heard my voice.

He cleared his throat before speaking, staring at the doors of the elevator "Jackie."

I looked and saw he had his briefcase with him, "I was just headed out for some coffee, you?"

"Out." He was still avoiding me, trying to have as little conversation as possible. It was cute seeing him struggle. If he was a man who truly loved his wife, he wouldn't look this way. Hell he wouldn't have taken my panties off to begin with.

"Jonathan, come on. I haven't bothered you in weeks." I said as the elevator opened allowing us to enter.

He sighed, " I know."

"So.. what does that mean?  We can't be adults and have small talk?"

He sighed again, "I'm leaving early today."

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