Chapter 3-Ryan

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What the fuck is that noise? Why, why am I awake right now.

The softness of the pillows that I had my face buried in was enough to get me to ignore the ringing. When my ears were met with silence, I felt my body start to drift off again. Though to no such luck because the ringing started again and jerked my heart awake, leaving it pounding in my chest. I lifted my head up to look at the clock on my nightstand.


I roughly grabbed my phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID. "What!" I pulled the phone away slightly as I was met with loud music in the background. It sounded like a nightclub or something. I was even more confused when I heard giggling.

"Uh-oh so grumpy, I forgot you're such a bear if you don't get your proper beauty sleep." Her voice, it was the voice I had been thinking about for the past two days non stop.

"Martha?" I wasn't sure if I was hearing this right.

"Yea! Who else would it be dummy?" She sounded different, my confusion turning into realization woke me up in seconds.

I shot up sitting upright, "Martha, are you drunk?"

"Oh no, nope, n-o-p-e." She started giggling again, "That's a fun word to say...nope."

I sighed as I rubbed my hand over my eyes, "Martha, where are you?". I slowly swung my legs to the side of my bed waiting for her to answer.

"I'm out having fun." This time she raised her voice because the music was starting to drown her out. I began raising my own voice hoping she could still hear me, "I just want to know that you're safe."

There was a pause before she answered, "I'm fine Ryan, I'm with my bestie, Lori!" I stood up as she spoke and went to my closet to take out a few pieces of clothing. When I reemerged, I put my phone on speaker and settled it onto my bed. I began getting dressed as I continued to get more information out of her.

"Where is she? Let me talk to her." I slipped into a white V-neck t-shirt and some gray sweats, I also threw on a navy blue pull over hoodie.

Her giggles filled my bedroom again, "No can do, she's flirting with the bartender at the moment. It is a sight to see, she's got this guy wrapped around her little finger. I wonder how she does that?" That last question was said quieter than the rest, she was probably trying to keep that bit to herself. I didn't bring any attention to it, I knew she was drunk and after the other day, I knew she had to be hurting.

"Martha, where are you?" I tried again.

"I already told you, I'm having fun!"

"Jesus Martha," I knew yelling wasn't going to do anything so I took a deep breath and leveled my voice to be as calm as possible before I continued, "I need you to tell me where you are."

I made my way downstairs and grabbed my car keys off the mini entryway table when I felt some type of hope of getting to her, "Are you coming to the party too?"

"No, I'm coming to get you."

"Boooo, you're no fun". I huffed as I sat in my car, starting the engine, "I'm at the local nightclub."

"There are about five of those around here Martha, which one?"

"I guess you're just going to have to find me." She sang as she taunted me and before I could speak the line went dead.

Shit! "Fuck!" I tossed my phone into the passenger seat and heard it roll and fall onto the floor. How is it that in a span of two days this woman needs my help? My help, of all people.

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